Diet for pregnancy
Diet for pregnancy

If you have been waiting for a long time for a stork to visit your family, but he seems to have forgotten about your existence, then we suggest reviewing … your food. What exactly needs to be changed and why - about this in our article.

Diet for pregnancy
Diet for pregnancy

Yes Yes. Do not wonder. It is the simple change in your diet that can help you conceive the long-awaited heir to the family. To be honest, I am very surprised that, despite numerous studies in this area, this is still not shouted about at every step. It's so easy!

No millions in bills for doctors and reproductive clinics, no hormones and expensive and painful IVF procedures … You can change your diet, include some vitamins and minerals in it in the form of nutritional supplements, and the result will not be long in coming.

What is the point and why does it work

It's all about the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and is primarily designed to stabilize blood sugar. It also affects all other hormones and their proportion. Including sex hormones and stress hormones.

In order for pregnancy to occur, a mature egg is needed, which would also come out of its shelter (ovary).

Studies indicate that with an increased level of insulin, the process of maturation of the egg is disrupted and its exit from the ovary is difficult.

In addition, increased insulin prevents the normal development of an already onset pregnancy, and it is unexpectedly interrupted either even before the hostess found out about her situation, or a little later (in the first weeks).

For men, an increase in insulin levels significantly impairs sperm quality, as it lowers their testosterone levels.

Therefore, lowering blood insulin levels for both women and men significantly increases the chances of conception.

Why does insulin rise?

The fact is that when too much glucose enters the bloodstream, it must be urgently sorted by destination - delivered to the cells. It is for this that the brain sends a signal to produce insulin, which is, as it were, a key that allows glucose to enter cells. The more glucose, the more insulin.

At some point in our life, a failure may occur. If we carefully ate a lot of food processed into glucose for a long time, when all the cells are simply full, they begin to lose insulin sensitivity. Therefore, glucose begins to wander in the blood, and the brain perceives this as an insufficient amount of insulin. As a result, more insulin is produced (hyperinsulinemia), which disrupts hormonal balance throughout the body. This creates a condition called insulin resistance (insulin resistance of cells).

That is why, in order to speed up the onset of pregnancy, you need to start eating in such a way as to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels.

By the way, if you want to avoid pregnancy, then I do not advise doing everything exactly the opposite, as will be described below. Elevated insulin can be a precursor to type 2 diabetes, and it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

IMPORTANT: Glucose is not just sugar. The fact is that many food products are processed into glucose, which contain different forms of sugar (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides).

In order not to post all the information on biology and chemistry here, I will simply say:

Everything, even the most useful and necessary carbohydrates, are eventually processed into sugar, which requires the production of insulin. Fats are converted into fatty acids and proteins into amino acids. Neither one nor the other upsets the blood sugar balance.

But fruits, milk sugar, flour products, cereals, honey, sweets and dried fruits affect blood sugar, which means they increase insulin levels.

Berries are a pleasant exception. You can eat them in unlimited quantities. Although they are sweet, they do not raise blood sugar levels.

Oddly enough, even sugar substitutes raise insulin levels. After all, the brain will be deceived by their sweet taste! Therefore, if you drink Cola Light or Cola Zero, then blood sugar rises along with insulin. The only exception is stevia. Based on the research available to date, it is the only sweetener that does not upset the blood sugar balance.

About the diet you need to follow to get pregnant

No, no, it is not necessary to give up carbohydrates altogether, as in the Atkins diet or in the Ducan diet. Yes, you will not succeed. In nature, everything is balanced and there are almost no products (with the exception of processed types of sugar and vegetable oil), where there are proteins and fats, but no carbohydrates.

The quality of carbohydrates plays a very important role. That small volume from the "Groats" category must be filled wisely. Simply put, choose only whole grains: whole wheat pasta, brown (not to be confused with durum wheat), brown and colored rice, buckwheat, black and whole grain bread instead of white. And don't forget to stay within the specified norm.

The diet will need to be structured to avoid spikes in blood sugar. To do this, the following proportions must be observed when dividing the plate:

  • 1/2 of the diet - vegetables (except for potatoes and corn);
  • 1/6 - good quality fats (cold-pressed oils, butter, nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty cheeses);
  • 1/6 - proteins (fish, meat, chicken, legumes);
  • 1/6 - cereals and starchy foods such as potatoes and corn.

If you decrease the category "Groats" even more, then the result will come even faster.

Fruit, too, will have to be severely limited - up to two a day. However, they must be eaten with products from the "Fat" category in order to avoid surges in blood sugar.

Many people to whom I propose such a diet worry that "you can't completely eliminate carbohydrates." But vegetables are full of carbohydrates! They just don't get absorbed as quickly and are processed into glucose. But it plays into our hands. After all, this is how the blood sugar level will remain stable over time.

What is categorically not recommended to reduce is the category "Fats". They saturate and contain the fatty acids we need. If you are afraid of gaining weight, then I hasten to reassure you: the less carbohydrates you consume, the better your body burns fat. Even those already accumulated. In addition, fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, which leads to a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream.

Many of my clients not only successfully become pregnant by switching to such a diet, but also get rid of those extra pounds at the waist.

To make it easier to navigate this system, I propose a visual aid:

Diet for pregnancy
Diet for pregnancy

A separate word about alcohol, juices (even freshly squeezed ones) and soda. I don’t want to upset you, but I have to. All these drinks must be excluded, because glucose from them, without lingering anywhere, goes straight into the blood in a very high concentration, and this raises the level of insulin to heaven. After all, liquid sugar does not need to be digested!

What's left? Drink plenty of water and herbal tea. Alternatively, you can drink a smoothie with added fats (vegetable oil or avocado). This trick will reduce the spike in blood sugar.

Vitamins that can help you get pregnant

Omega-3 fatty acids

Contained in fish oil, flaxseed oil, avocado. They have a positive effect on the cell membrane, thereby protecting cells from damage and making them more susceptible to incoming glucose.

Vitamin A

It is a powerful antioxidant. Strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, vision and protects us from premature aging. The amount contained in multivitamin preparations is sufficient.

Vitamin E

Also a powerful antioxidant that protects our cells. It is important for the correct formation of sex hormones and successful conception.

Vitamin C

One of the most important antioxidants. Strengthens connective tissues and blood vessels, which is important in case of increased stress on these organs during pregnancy. Strengthens the immune system and effectively fights infections. Also improves sperm quality in men. Increases the absorption of other vitamins and minerals in the body.


Mineral. Symptoms of a shortage are: cramps, headache, constipation or stool less than once a day, fatigue, pain during menstruation, hormonal imbalance. Coffee, black tea, and alcohol help flush magnesium out of the body.

Magnesium improves the absorption of glucose and has a positive effect on insulin levels. In addition, without magnesium, many vitamins and minerals cannot be processed by the body into the necessary substances.


Mineral. Directly affects fertility, fetal health and development. A lack of zinc causes a lack of folate in the body, making it difficult to get pregnant. Zinc is very important for men as it affects the quality of sperm. Stress tends to flush zinc out of the body, which is why many people are deficient in this mineral.


A trace mineral that affects both glucose absorption and insulin levels. Lack of chromium directly leads to an increase in insulin. Chromium is difficult to get in the right amount from food. In addition, the use of sugar in all forms helps to flush out chromium from the body.


A powerful antioxidant. Protects all cells of the body and, in addition, protects against chromosomal defects. Improves sperm quality.

What else can you do to stabilize insulin and get pregnant?

Engage in moderate physical activity. Let them be of low intensity, but regular - 5-6 times a week. The fact is that physical activity increases the insulin sensitivity of the cells in the muscles. This means that insulin begins to work, and not circulate in the blood.

Yes, I know that all of this will require self-discipline on your part. This is more difficult than taking pills from the pharmacy. Indeed, there are many rules. But try it! Those who have given thousands for ineffectual treatment or have simply gone crazy from many years on hormonal drugs will understand. An additional bonus from such a nutritional system is an excellent condition of the skin and hair, vigor, good sleep and a decrease in stress in the body.

How long to wait for the result

This is very individual. Someone sees two cherished strips on a pregnancy test after 2-3 months, while someone needs more time. But it works.

Good health to you!
