Workout of the day: a chic complex for a complete pumping of the body
Workout of the day: a chic complex for a complete pumping of the body

Six exercises to develop strength, endurance and coordination.

Workout of the day: a chic complex for a complete pumping of the body
Workout of the day: a chic complex for a complete pumping of the body

This workout will do great work on your legs, abs, hip flexors, arms and shoulders. In terms of pumping muscles, the load cannot be compared with hard exercises with iron. But if you're a beginner, it's enough to tire your muscles and make them grow.

In terms of endurance, the interval format increases this important metric even better than quiet long cardio. So, in 30-40 minutes of work, you will receive no less benefit for the heart and lungs than in the same jogging time.

The workout includes six exercises:

  1. Squat with a jump to the side.
  2. Walking in a plank with a turn of the body.
  3. Pulse in lunge with alternating legs.
  4. Push-up with a turn to the side and touching the foot.
  5. Rise from the knees and jump from the squat.
  6. Knee to elbow in a lying position with a change of position.

Select the execution time according to your level of physical fitness. If you rarely exercise, work for 20 seconds and rest 40. If physical activity is not new to you, try an interval ratio of 30: 30 or 40: 20. For advanced fitness enthusiasts, you can even try 50: 10 - you rest for only 10 seconds, and then proceed to the next movement.

Do all the exercises in a row, and then start over. Do four to six circles.
