Workout of the Day: Powerful Arms, Shoulders and Body Pumping Without Dumbbells
Workout of the Day: Powerful Arms, Shoulders and Body Pumping Without Dumbbells

Test your stability and endurance in a small complex for 12 minutes.

Workout of the Day: Powerful Arms, Shoulders and Body Pumping Without Dumbbells
Workout of the Day: Powerful Arms, Shoulders and Body Pumping Without Dumbbells

The workout includes only three exercises that will build muscle strength, balance, and coordination.

Set a timer and do each exercise for 60 seconds, then move on to the next. Do the first for 30 seconds on each side.

If you need rest between movements, take a break, but try not to wait too long to get a good cardio load. At the end of the circle, take a breath for 1-2 minutes and start over. Complete three or four circles.

The workout includes the following exercises:

  1. Push-up with bringing the knee to the elbow + plank on one arm.
  2. "Legs together - legs apart" with a touch of the shoulder + turn to the side with a touch of the foot.
  3. Driving in the "bear" plank + entering the dolphin pose.
