3 important reasons to straighten your hunched back
3 important reasons to straighten your hunched back

Poor posture can be just as harmful as smoking. In addition to health issues, hunched over posture can negatively affect your mood, productivity, and even success.

3 important reasons to straighten your hunched back
3 important reasons to straighten your hunched back

The average office worker in the United States spends only 36% of his working time with correct posture. In other words, he sits crookedly for 38 minutes out of an hour. And this must be fought. After all, a "powerful" posture with a straight spine and open shoulders will help to avoid back pain and improve physical condition. She will also improve social status and work efficiency.

1. Posture affects productivity

Back pain is one of the most common complaints among clinic visitors. The cause of suffering often lies on the surface and is associated with that very uneven posture. A straight back gives a completely opposite effect: a person feels a surge of energy, he gets rid of migraines and stress, his concentration increases, and his efficiency increases.

The fact is that the normal functioning of the respiratory and digestive organs directly depends on posture. The "hunchback" position does not allow them to work as usual, in particular, to supply the brain with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. However, it is worth straightening your shoulders, and the freed up space normalizes the interaction of all the cogs in the body, improving overall health.

2. Posture affects self-confidence

The upright posture releases chemicals that make you believe in yourself. An elevated head and wide-spread shoulders trigger a testosterone surge. The famous hormone gives strength and confidence. Together with it, cortisol is released, which is responsible for reducing stress levels.

One Ohio State University found that half an hour spent in poor posture significantly increased levels of anxiety, depression, and anxiety. Keeping your back straight leads to more confidence and lower stress levels.

3. Posture affects social status

Poor posture detracts from your leadership skills. In a TED Talk, social psychologist Amy Cuddy talks about how body language shapes personality. She draws a parallel with the animal world. Imagine how sweeping and majestic large dominant individuals look and how animals cower when they feel powerless.

People unknowingly repeat this behavior. The upright stance gives a sense of power and control. We slouch and wrap our arms around ourselves in moments of uncertainty. By simply changing your body position, you can build your confidence and leadership skills.

Amy gives an important tip: Before a big talk or an important interview, take the Superman pose.

How posture affects confidence
How posture affects confidence

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart for two minutes, straighten your back, place your hands on your hips. You are now ready!
