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5 circles of hell: crazy jumps and tough plank
5 circles of hell: crazy jumps and tough plank

Iya Zorina has put together another killer workout for you. Prepare your shoulders: it will be hot.

5 circles of hell: crazy jumps and tough plank
5 circles of hell: crazy jumps and tough plank

What is needed

Jump rope, timer.

How to do a workout

Set a timer for 25 minutes. Start the first exercise from the first minute, do the specified number of times, and rest the rest of the time. From the beginning of the second minute, start the next exercise, and so on. When you finish the last exercise, rest the remaining time from the fifth minute and start over. In total, you need to complete five circles.

If in any exercise you have less than 10 seconds to rest, reduce the number of repetitions. How much exactly - look in brackets.

  • Jogging rope - 60 times (50 times).
  • Walking "slide" - 20 times (15 times).
  • Plank with touching eight points - 10 times (8 times).
  • Jumping with a turn - 10 times (8 times).
  • Push-ups with the transition to diamond / push-ups from the knees - 10 times.

How to do exercise

Jumping rope

This exercise is easier than normal jumping, so try to maintain a high pace. If there is no rope, replace this with a running with a high hip lift (20 times).

Walking "slide"

This exercise will load your shoulders well. If pulling on the back of your thigh, bend your knees. Try to shift your weight onto your arms, as if you are about to stand.

Plank with touch of eight points

You need to take turns touching your shoulders, sides, knees and feet. Keep your abs tight so your lower back doesn't sag.

Jumping with a turn

Raise your arms above your head as you jump. If you want to complicate the exercise, go deeper into the squat - to the parallel of the hips with the floor.

Push-ups with the transition to diamond / push-ups from the knees

Tighten your abs so that your lower back does not fall through, lower your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together. If classic push-ups don't work, try doing the exercise from your knees.

Write in the comments what was difficult and what was too easy. Did you have time to rest before the end of the minute? And if you haven't tried our previous workouts, you have a lot of interesting things ahead.
