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6 reasons to go back to good old paper books
6 reasons to go back to good old paper books

The indisputable advantages of digital reading devices include their ability to accommodate entire libraries, cheapness, functionality, environmental friendliness, and so on. However, paper books are not going to give up so easily. Their proponents make a number of arguments in favor of traditional reading. And you can't argue with some of them.

6 reasons to go back to good old paper books
6 reasons to go back to good old paper books

Modern computer technologies are molding a new reality in which many things from the past era simply do not have a place. Telephone communications, traditional mail and film photography are gradually dying out. The book did not escape this fate. The proliferation of various e-readers and tablets makes people worry about the future of classic paper books.

1. Feelings

Yes, yes, those same notorious physical sensations from weight, size, smell and rustle of turning pages. The previous reader's mark in the margins, a movie ticket in the form of a bookmark, a cover filled with coffee, and other minor trifles that make each volume the owner of its own unique story. You may laugh, but this is really important.

2. Training

E-books have a number of convenient features, but they are still far from paper tomes. You can open three or four sources at the same time, make a dozen notes in each and instantly switch between them in search of the desired fragment. Try this trick with e-books.

3. Donation

We have already published an infographic on the benefits of a book as a gift. Of course, all this applies specifically to paper editions. An e-book is just a faceless file on your device that does not boast a beautiful cover, quality paper, and color illustrations. Therefore, it is unlikely that a digital book can be used as a keepsake.

4. Collecting

Paper books can be art. They can be part of the story. They are part of your memory. Books can be collected. Digital files do not have all these advantages and it is completely pointless to collect files.

5. Purchase

Buying and downloading digital books takes no effort on your part. Click-click and the book in your reading room. You need to find the paper version in the store, pay real money for it. And this means that you will read it for sure, unlike hundreds of texts downloaded from the Internet.

6. Image

A person with a book looks completely different from the owner of another electronic gadget. A book in your hand immediately emphasizes your intellectual status, reveals your interests and even, perhaps, your occupation. While the faceless gray rectangles of smartphones or tablets do nothing to distinguish you from the horde of fans of social networks and computer games.

So, as you can see, the good old lamp books are not yet being recycled. I foresee that very soon they will become a fashionable sign for "advanced" readers, in contrast to the general gray mass of ebook owners.
