The easiest croissant recipe
The easiest croissant recipe

Making the classic puff pastry is often the cause of nightmares, even for seasoned bakers. This croissant recipe doesn't require any special skills from you and will save time and energy, and as a result, you will get a soft flaky treat that melts in your mouth.

The easiest croissant recipe
The easiest croissant recipe


  • 2½ cups (190 g) flour
  • 150 g butter;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 45 g sugar;
  • 25 g fresh yeast;
  • a pinch of salt.
croissants, ingredients
croissants, ingredients

Start by kneading the yeast base. Heat the milk, making sure it's not hot enough to kill the yeast, but warm enough to activate it. Dissolve sugar in hot milk and mash fresh yeast. Leave the mixture warm for the second half of the dough.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Combine the sifted flour with a pinch of salt and add chunks of ice-cold butter to it. Use a knife or blender to crumble everything.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Pour the yeast solution into the flour and butter crumbs, mix everything with a spoon. Try to minimize the contact of the dough with your hands so that the pieces of butter do not melt.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Shape the finished dough into a rectangular brick, wrap with plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Now the most time consuming thing remains - rolling. Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Fold the layer in half lengthwise.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Then - again in half, but across. Fold the dough as shown in the photo to get the original piece.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Roll out the dough again and repeat the process three times. At first, the dough will be lumpy, but as it rolls and folds, with a drop of patience and a little flour, it will become very pliable and smooth.

All basic manipulations are over. Now all that remains is to wait. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight. This workpiece can also be frozen.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

After the dough is rolled out into a rectangle 25 × 40 cm and divided into 8 triangles.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

Each of the triangles now remains to roll into a roll, moving from base to top, put on a baking sheet, grease with egg yolk (or a mixture of it with milk) and send to bake: 8 minutes at 220 degrees, and then another 12-15 minutes at 180 degrees.

The simplest croissants
The simplest croissants

These simple croissants are very soft and flaky. If desired, at the stage of rolling the dough into the roll, you can add jam or chocolate filling.
