What not to do before bed
What not to do before bed

There are so few lucky people who have no sleep problems. If you are not one of them, here are a few things to stop doing to make your sleep better and more enjoyable.

What not to do before bed
What not to do before bed

For me, waking up in the morning is the worst problem that I cannot solve for a long time. And it's not just how I feel when I wake up. Lack of good sleep really affects the state of the body.

This problem can be solved by two methods: quantitative and qualitative. As for the first method, there are no difficulties, the more you sleep (within reason), the less you feel tired in the morning, while a high-quality method involves improving the quality of sleep, that is, with the same time spent in bed, you will feel better … There are also cardinal methods,. But in order to completely change your sleep routine, you need to have an iron restraint, which I, most likely, do not have yet.

I decided to start small and focus on improving the quality of my sleep, and here are a few things you should definitely not do before bed.

  1. Drink alcohol. In addition to making your sleep shallow and disturbing, other consequences, such as a full bladder and dehydration, will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.
  2. Stare at the TV / smartphone / tablet screen (substitute the one you want). This is harmful for two reasons. First, the bright light from the screen of the device stimulates the brain to work, which affects the production of melatonin, a hormone that is essential for quality sleep. Secondly, informational rubbish, which clogs the head, also prevents the brain from relaxing and sleep becomes an unbearable task (I know from myself).
  3. Surf the Internet. This prohibition follows smoothly from the previous one. The harsh light from the monitor and unnecessary information will do their heinous job.
  4. Read tense and disturbing books. Nobody forbids you to read, but before going to bed, it is better to opt for light and funny books than to stuff your head with unnecessary and heavy thoughts.
  5. Take a hot bath. Contrary to popular belief, taking a bath before bed is not a good idea. The fact is that during sleep, your body temperature drops by several degrees, and a hot bath raises your temperature. Therefore, the body will need to spend more time lowering your body temperature. The best option would be a bath a few hours before bedtime. Then the temperature will return to normal, and you will quickly fall asleep.
  6. Overeat. Difficulty falling asleep with a full stomach. But what is really there, with a stuffed belly to do anything is difficult. Try not to overeat before bed, but going to bed on an empty stomach is not a good idea. A small portion of lettuce, meat or cottage cheese with fruit will be a great choice!

Probably the hardest piece of advice for all of us will be to give up our gadgets. Personally, I have not been able to do this, although I try. But I think that for the sake of a good sleep, you can sacrifice this too. How are you doing?
