10 things to do before bed
10 things to do before bed

Evening is time for yourself. Personal and professional development depends on whether you spend it lying on the couch or doing something useful. In this article, you will find 10 evening rituals that will increase your productivity.

10 things to do before bed
10 things to do before bed

We often write about how to start the day:

  • What morning should be for an effective day.
  • How to make your morning really good.
  • How to beat sleep apathy in the morning.
  • How to create morning rituals.

However, they are truly productive all day. Even in the evening, when you want to succumb to fatigue and just look at the screen or monitor.

But the evening is the groundwork for the next day. It depends on what we do in the evening. And from him, in turn, efficiency.

The evening is greatly underestimated in terms of life transformation and positive habits. We suggest that you spend two to three hours before bed with benefit. Here are some evening rituals to keep you energized, productive and in a good mood for your new day.


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved to walk. According to the recollections of contemporaries, he walked for two hours a day, no matter what it cost him. Being in the fresh air encouraged creativity.

Take a short walk before bed. She will help you literally step over the worries and worries of the day. You will be able to enjoy the peace and think about the ideas that excite you. Plus, walking is good for your health.

Analysis of the day

considered time the most valuable resource and was scrupulous about its distribution. Every day at the end of the day, he wondered, "What good have I done today?" and analyzed the past day. This allowed him to understand what success he had achieved and what still had to be done.

Try it yourself. Five to ten minutes of analyzing your day will help you track progress and adjust plans in a timely manner.


Many great people have read before bed. Reading inspires, helps generate new ideas. And if you are familiar with insomnia, then the book will help you calm down and fall asleep.

What to read depends on your taste. However, action-packed genres and dramatic works.

Also, don't read in low light. If you use e-readers, reduce the brightness of the screen to a minimum and at a distance of at least 35 centimeters.


helps to get into working mode. Better yet, meditate twice a day.

Get into a comfortable position. Let thoughts flow naturally: do not try to concentrate on something or ignore something. Everything that filled you during the day must remain in the past.

Evening meditation will help to "nullify" the mind and enter the coming day with an open new experience.


Light is associated with the production of melatonin and cortisol. It gets darker - the level of melatonin rises. This allows us to rest properly. Dawn, and the level of cortisol rises - the body is ready for achievements. At least, that's how nature intended it. But in the 21st century, people look at the screens of laptops, tablets and smartphones before going to bed. Why it is harmful, read in detail at the link below.

This is one of the reasons why you should have a curfew before bed. No gadgets! Another reason is that digital noise also reduces sleep quality.

Send devices to flight mode at night. Then your peace of mind and your sleep will not be disturbed either by the notification of the comment to the photo, or by the next email newsletter, or by SMS with a super offer from the bank (why do they send them at night?).


Before bed, the mind is no less sensitive to information than in the morning. Therefore, the evening is a great time for personal attitudes.

Use positive affirmations:

  • to stimulate self-confidence;
  • set yourself up for success;
  • abstract from the opinions of others;
  • focus on your goals;
  • motivate yourself to work hard and so on.

It is important to formulate the affirmation correctly, as well as pronounce it aloud (preferably in front of a mirror). Such nightly auto-training can destroy internal stereotypes accumulated over the years.


Keeping a personal journal is not a whim of a graphomaniac. Psychologists say that by expressing feelings and thoughts on paper or electronically, we make life more conscious. Sometimes a diary entry allows you to reveal and solve problems hidden deep in the subconscious.

Evening is the perfect time to “talk” with your diary. About the events of the passing day, about what saddened or made you happy today, about the people with whom you communicated, about yourself, what you were.


Making a plan for the day the night before:

  • saves time (no need to cut it out in the morning);
  • mobilizes (when you wake up, you already know what to do).

Planning techniques are individual. If you haven't worked out your own yet, then read the following articles.

But the general rule of thumb is to write down all the tasks and then sort them by importance and urgency.


This ritual follows from the previous one. Once you've made your to-do list, you need to prioritize. Choose the three most important tasks. They should be geared towards your goal and progress.

Then, break these three tasks into smaller sub-tasks. Number them: # 1 - do it before 11 o'clock, # 2 - do it right after # 1, # 3 - do it during lunch, and so on.

Alternatively, try the 1-3-5 approach as well. It may be more suitable for you.

In any case, you will receive a detailed plan of action for the next day, and this, in turn, motivates. After all, when everything is on the shelves, it's easier to work, isn't it?


This ritual is recommended to be performed while already in bed. Close your eyes and think to whom or what and for what you are grateful in the passing day. Say thank you to a colleague who picked you up on the way to work; or the waitress who served you quickly; or a spouse who just was there and supported; or to yourself …

From the point of view of positive psychology, gratitude is a positive emotion that not only strengthens interpersonal relationships, but also perfectly motivates. Falling asleep with thoughts of good, you set yourself up to continue the chain of good tomorrow.

Bad habits can only be overcome today, not tomorrow. Confucius

Do you have evening rituals?

Tell us in the comments what you do before bed.
