Food for respiratory health
Food for respiratory health

With the onset of cold weather, you must especially take care of your respiratory system. And nutrition plays an important role in this matter.

Food for respiratory health
Food for respiratory health

Nutrition affects the state of the respiratory system more than one might imagine. Certain foods, such as milk and eggs, can precipitate asthma crises. Other foods, such as onions or garlic, prevent bronchitis. Fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene protect against lung cancer.

According to a study in England and Wales, children who eat two or more pieces of any kind of fruit per day breathe better and are less at risk of suffocation (shortness of breath). Those who eat processed meat (ham, sausage, etc.) have difficulty breathing (Cook, DG; Carey, IM; Whincup, PH et al. Effect of fresh fruit consumption on lung function and wheeze in children. Thorax, 52: 628-633 (1997)).



Cough is the most common symptom of a respiratory illness. In fact, coughing is the body's defense mechanism, which it resorts to to eliminate foreign or irritating particles from the respiratory tract.

Certain foods can help eliminate the cause of the cough and ease it, while others exacerbate the cough.

Increase Reduce or eliminate
Onion Salt
Honey Dairy products
Vitamins A and C


Dairy products
Dairy products


It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is usually caused by an infection and is aggravated by inhalation of irritating fumes or smoke, such as tobacco smoke.


Various foods have properties that are beneficial for bronchitis:

  • Mucolytics. Softens and promotes mucus elimination. Examples of mucolytics are onions and radishes. A simple inhalation of raw onion extract is often enough to relieve coughs. Sulphurous formations in the composition of onions have antispasmodic, sedative, mucolytic and antibiotic effects.
  • Emollients. Okra, dates and figs soften and reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract mucosa.
  • Antibiotics and antiseptics. Garlic and propolis fight bacteria and viruses - the causes of exacerbation of bronchitis.
Increase Reduce or eliminate
Onion Alcohol
Garlic Saturated fat
Vitamin A



Asthma is manifested by attacks of choking (shortness of breath), accompanied by wheezing, coughing, sputum production, and a feeling of congestion in the chest. Asthma is the result of spasms and inflammation in the airways, usually caused by an allergic reaction.


Excessive consumption of certain foods can help reduce bronchial sensitivity and predisposition to asthmatic attacks.

Moderate salt intake and avoiding allergenic foods can help reduce the frequency and severity of crises.

Other factors

Asthma attacks can be triggered not only by allergenic foods, but also by other factors: environmental pollution, dust, physical or psychological stress.

Increase Reduce or eliminate
Onion Salt
Oranges Nutritional supplements
Horseradish Wine
Vegetable oil Beer
Honey Molluscs and crustaceans
Yogurt Hard cheeses
Vegetables Eggs
Magnesium Brewer's yeast
B vitamins Royal jelly
Antioxidants Milk



To give up smoking

Diet plays an important role in smoking cessation. Anyone who quits smoking should carefully select foods that help achieve the following goals:

  • Removal of nicotine and other poisons from the body. Water, fruits and vegetables with cleansing properties help to eliminate toxic substances.
  • Recovery. Antioxidant-rich plant foods protect cells from the chemical attack caused by smoking and help repair damaged links.
  • Decreased desire to smoke. Avoid foods or foods that stimulate this desire. Conversely, eat foods that strengthen the nervous system to help you overcome the stress of quitting smoking.
Increase Reduce or eliminate
Water Alcohol
Fruits Stimulating drinks
Vegetables Saturated fat
Vitamin C Meat
Sprouted wheat Spices



Based on the book ""
