I came to success: how to understand that you have chosen the right direction in life
I came to success: how to understand that you have chosen the right direction in life

How do you know that you are on the way to the long-awaited success? By the number of zeros in your bank account? By the make of your car? Or maybe in your changed attitude towards money, people and life in general? You will find the answers to these questions in the article.

I came to success: how to understand that you have chosen the right direction in life
I came to success: how to understand that you have chosen the right direction in life

It's not that hard to be just a successful person. It is much more difficult to become truly successful. Nevertheless, people want to achieve mind-blowing success, although everyone decides for himself what this notorious phrase means to him. And that's how it should be.

Unfortunately, there is no magic wand. Just as there is no one universal recipe for success that would suit absolutely everyone.

But there are certain signs that tell you that you are on the right track. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them and think about which of them you can say: "Yes, this is about me."

1. You understand that happiness is not only your personal success, but also the success of others

Great business teams are successful because their members are willing to make concessions to each other. They can donate something for the good of the team. Such companies are made up of people who know their roles perfectly, they are able to put the team's goals above their personal ones.

A truly successful person knows how to sincerely rejoice not only in his own achievements, but also in the achievements of others.

2. You are constantly looking for new experiences and experiences

It's good to constantly be on the lookout for something new and unknown, especially when by “new experiences” you don't mean gambling, drug addiction, or jumping from an airplane without a parachute.

According to the doctor, finding new things is what helps us stay happy and healthy. If you manage to combine initiative, curiosity and perseverance, then you have the opportunity to unleash your creativity and make better not only your own life, but also the lives of other people.

To be successful, you need to be able to control all your creative impulses (and not only), as well as understand how a new hobby can affect your life as a whole.

So dare - forward to the new and unknown! Your circle of acquaintances will certainly expand, and your life will become richer and more interesting.

3. You don't think about work-life balance - you only think about life

Symbolic boundaries between work and personal life are almost impossible to maintain. Why? Because your work is your life, as are your family, friends and hobbies. This is what defines you, makes you who you are.

Truly successful people find ways to spend more time with their family, not ways that make them work less.

They know how to incorporate their interests, hobbies, and personal values into their work. If you cannot do the same, then you are not living - you are just working.

4. You are empathetic

If you are not creating something completely new (do not forget that in fact it is extremely difficult), then your own business or simply work is based on the fact that you satisfy the needs of people or solve their problems.

It is impossible to correctly identify what a person needs, as well as to understand his problems if you cannot put yourself in his place. The ability to do this is what distinguishes a successful person from just a good businessman.

But real leaders go further and regularly test what it's like to be in the shoes of their subordinate.

5. You want to prove something to yourself

Many people have a permanent desire to prove to others that they are wrong. But truly successful people are driven by something deeper and more personal. Commitment, dedication and desire to prove something to the most important person in this life - to yourself.

6. You avoid the stereotype "you need to work 40 hours a week"

Studies have shown that if you work more than 40 hours a week, your productivity drops.


Successful people work harder because they remember that in big business there are always many competitors who are on the alert.

The next time you head home from work, walk past your competitors' office. If you see that the light is still on in their windows, turn around and return to your workplace.

Yes, of course, there will always be someone smarter and more talented than you. But remember, successful people always want more. In a sense, they are ruthless and primarily in relation to themselves.

Successful people work hard and remember to think with their heads. This is their real secret to success.

7. You view money as a responsibility, not a reward

Tales that are often told about outstanding entrepreneurs: they have 17 cars, their house is filled with expensive antiques, and they spend $ 40,000 a year on a personal massage therapist.

In fact, successful people don't see money as purely personal reward.

For them, money is an opportunity to develop their business, to encourage their employees and promote their professional growth, to help solve problems that are important for society. In short, not only to make your own life better, but also to help others.

And most importantly, they do it quietly and without expecting anything in return, because they remember that the main thing is action, not recognition.

8. You don't think you are special

In the world of social media, everyone can be their own PR manager. It is as easy as shelling pears for those who want to bask in the rays of their own achievements and uniqueness.

Truly successful people don't do that. Of course, they accept the fact that their success is based on ambition, perseverance, and their own hard work. But they also admit that they had talented mentors, wonderful employees, and Mrs. Luck had a hand in this.

Successful people, even as professionals, do not find it shameful to ask questions and ask for advice.

9. You understand that success is fleeting, as opposed to respect and self-esteem

Providing employees with high wages and good career opportunities is of course important. But neither a big salary, nor other material incentives can ever replace respect and feelings that you have adequately coped with the task at hand.

Successful people always help their employees, customers and suppliers feel worthy. And this is the most important thing, and everything else will follow.
