Food for blood health
Food for blood health

Blood delivers to our cells everything they need for their life and health, taking away waste products. Therefore, the quality of blood is one of the main factors affecting the health of the whole organism.

Food for blood health
Food for blood health

The most useful non-heme iron from a dietary point of view is in the form of iron salts. It enters the body with fruits, vegetables and eggs. However, this chemical form of iron is absorbed by the intestines with some difficulty. The heme iron found in meat and fish is much easier to absorb.

Numerous experiments have shown that vitamin C, in particular in lemon juice, can double or triple the absorption of non-heme iron in the intestines. Moreover, it can compensate for the negative effects of polyphenols (tannins), due to which iron is poorly absorbed.

Most cases of anemia are due to a lack of iron, folate, and vitamin B12, which the body needs to produce red blood cells. Eating lemon along with iron-rich plant foods such as legumes (beans, lentils, soy and soy products), green leafy vegetables (spinach, leeks), or grains (wheat, rice) significantly increases the body's use of this important mineral.

Nutritionists today recommend that you include 25 mg of vitamin C with every meal because of its beneficial effects on iron absorption. This amount of vitamin C is contained in half a lemon.

Meat is not essential for the formation of blood cells. Blood formed from vegetable products is of better quality than blood formed from animal products.

Food for Blood Health: Lemon
Food for Blood Health: Lemon


Blood tends to coagulate spontaneously. Thanks to him, bleeding stops. But when this clotting of blood occurs inside a blood vessel, a hard clot (thrombus) forms that blocks the free circulation of blood through the vessel. This process is called thrombosis and can occur in arteries or veins. Its consequences, such as heart attack or stroke, are very serious.

Factors that contribute to thrombosis:

  • arteriosclerosis;
  • a diet high in saturated fat and salt;
  • excess toxins and waste in the blood;
  • smoking and lack of exercise.


Eating certain foods, particularly fruits, reduces the likelihood of blood clots forming in blood vessels.

Increase Reduce or eliminate
Garlic Saturated fat
Lemon Cholesterol
Orange Salt
Olive oil
Fish fat


Food for blood health: soy
Food for blood health: soy


The term "anemia" literally means "lack of blood". However, the same term is used to describe the reduction in the number of red blood cells (red blood cells) in the blood. These cells give blood its red color, and it is they who transport life-giving oxygen to all cells of the body.

Causes of anemia:

  1. Insufficient blood production. Red blood cells (red blood cells) live for approximately 100 days, and the bone marrow constantly produces new blood cells. To produce blood cells, the bone marrow needs iron, proteins, folic acid, and a variety of vitamins. The most scarce nutrient is iron. If the anemia is caused by a lack of it, then it is called iron deficiency anemia.
  2. Blood loss caused by heavy or light bleeding. In some cases, bleeding, such as stomach or intestinal bleeding, may go unnoticed.
  3. Destruction of blood cells. It causes hemolytic anemia, in which red blood cells are destroyed for various reasons.


Diet plays a critical role as food provides the body with the nutrients it needs to produce blood cells. Iron, protein, vitamin B12 and folate are the most important of these nutrients. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and copper are also essential for blood production.

Increase Reduce or eliminate
Legumes, soy Tea
Fruits Wheat bran
Green leafy vegetables Alcoholic drinks
Lucerne Milk
Sunflower seeds
Passion fruit
Folic acid
Vitamins B, E and C


Food for blood health: beets
Food for blood health: beets

Eat right, eat happily, and be healthy.

Based on the book "Healthy Food".
