5 asanas for a flat stomach
5 asanas for a flat stomach

You can swing the press not only during functional and strength training. Yoga is suitable for this purpose no worse than the listed physical activities, only it does it more carefully and with less likelihood of injury.

5 asanas for a flat stomach
5 asanas for a flat stomach

1. Fish pose (matsyasana)

This graceful pose opens and stretches the chest and abdomen, and also strengthens the lower abs and hip flexors (one of the weak points in women). During the exercise, hold this position for five deep breaths and exhalations.

The video shows an easier version of the pose. Try to lift your straight legs off the floor (it's okay if they shake).

2. Sitting boat pose (ardha navasana)

This posture works to maintain balance even deep muscles. As a result of this exercise, you will gain well-defined abdominal muscles and improve spinal stability. Hold this position for five deep breaths (inhale and exhale) and return to the starting position.

The video shows a standard version of the pose.

A more difficult version is straightening the legs.

3. Downward-facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana)

If you think your core muscles work the least in this position, you are wrong. During this exercise, you should pull your navel to the spine and breathe not with your stomach, but with your chest. This, in turn, engages the core muscles, which act as a kind of inner corset. Hold this position for five deep breaths (inhale and exhale) and return to the starting position.

4. Handstand (adho mukha vrikshasana)

This pose requires not only a strong sense of balance, but also very strong core muscles, especially if you are going to do it in more difficult variations.

This video shows all the modifications, from the simplest ones (with legs resting on the wall) to the advanced options (getting out of the upper bakasana).

5. Lotus position (padmasana)

During the lotus position, the abdomen is in good shape, the navel is drawn to the spine, the breath goes through the chest. Hold this position for five deep breaths (inhale and exhale) and return to the starting position.

If you are having trouble sitting in the lotus position, choose the half lotus option. The video below shows exercises that will prepare you for Padmasana.

30 Minute Flat Belly Yoga Workout

And as a bonus - a set of exercises that will help keep your abdominal muscles and core in good shape. It is recommended to do this workout three times a week for 3-4 weeks, and then you can move on to daily workouts.
