What causes a stomach ulcer and how to treat it?
What causes a stomach ulcer and how to treat it?

Spicy food and stress have nothing to do with it.

What causes a stomach ulcer and how to treat it?
What causes a stomach ulcer and how to treat it?

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Mom says that you can earn stomach ulcers if you eat junk food, such as spicy foods. This is true? And what can you do to avoid getting an ulcer? And how is it treated?


Hello! Lifehacker has detailed material on this topic. An ulcer is an open wound in the lining of the stomach. The most common cause of it is a bacterial infection and some pain relievers. Many believe that stress or spicy food, coffee and alcohol can lead to ulcers. But this opinion has a weak evidence base, and the only more or less confirmed harmful factor is smoking.

Therapy for an ulcer is prescribed by a doctor, and it depends on what exactly caused its formation. For example, you may be prescribed antibiotics, antacids, or drugs that reduce the production of acid in your stomach. Surgery may sometimes be necessary. Therefore, if you suspect you have an ulcer, it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

And in more detail about the dangerous symptoms of an ulcer, its treatment and prevention, read the article at the link above.
