Workout for Strong Bones
Workout for Strong Bones

Going in for sports, we are used to placing special emphasis on strength, endurance, beautiful muscles, flexibility, or on this whole complex - it all depends on what kind of sport you have chosen. Some people do not forget to pay attention to strengthening the ligaments and tendons, thus trying to reduce trauma. But muscles and tendons are not everything! We forget about the basis - the skeleton and bones. Therefore, today we will talk about the missing link in the chain - about training that will help strengthen bones.

Workout for Strong Bones
Workout for Strong Bones

Increasing bone density is possible not only with the help of special medications or proper nutrition, but also with the help of strength training and jumping.

Osteoporosis(Latin osteoporosis) is a chronically progressive systemic metabolic disease of the skeleton or a clinical syndrome that manifests itself in other diseases. It is characterized by a decrease in bone density, a violation of their microarchitectonics and an increased risk of fractures.

This is a rather unpleasant disease, and it is not immediately diagnosed. As a rule, this problem is more feminine than masculine, but this does not mean that men can relax. Bone density in adult males usually decreases by 0.4–1.5% per year.

A recent study by Pamela Hinton and her colleagues at the University of Missouri and published in the journal compared the effects of different types of exercise (strength training and jumping) on bone density in men. As a result, it turned out that bone density is positively influenced not only by strength training, but also by two key factors: concussion and weights, which affect specific areas with the most vulnerable bone tissue, such as the hips and spine.

Most studies show that athletes who do strength training have higher bone density than those who do weight training. Runners, on the other hand, receive a second type of stress - the impact of concussion with each step. As a result of her research, Hinton found that this type of load also has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and the bones of runners are not inferior in density to those of those who prefer strength training. But for cyclists, the second type of load - the impact of concussion - is softer, therefore, their bone density is less than that of the athletes mentioned above.

It turns out that running training will help increase bone density (especially in the lumbar spine) after six months. Strength training or resistance training also contributes to overall improvement and helps to strengthen the problem area in the hips. For example, this is perfect for this option with two strength training sessions per weekthat emphasize loading the lower spine and hips - squats, modified deadlifts, and military bench press.

How to do military bench press

Program with three jump workouts per weekcan consist of mixed exercises: jumping on one and two legs alternately and in different directions, squats on one leg from an elevation, jumping over obstacles, and so on. It's worth starting with 10 repetitions of five different jumps. Studies show that the most beneficial workouts are training sessions that involve 40 to 100 jumps.

Box jumping example

Other types of workouts to help strengthen your bones:dancing, tennis, hiking, jumping rope, stepper training, climbing stairs, elliptical training, tai chi, yoga, basketball, football, golf, hockey.

Osteoporosis is an extremely unpleasant disease. Remember this and take care of your health and body in advance.
