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12-Minute Yoga for Strong, Healthy Bones
12-Minute Yoga for Strong, Healthy Bones

Columbia University (USA) physiotherapist Loren M. Fishman, who has collected data on yoga and its effects on bone health over the years, has provided evidence that yoga can be an effective way to prevent osteoporosis. He developed a set of 12 asanas that help maintain healthy bones and back.

12-Minute Yoga for Strong, Healthy Bones
12-Minute Yoga for Strong, Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis (from Latin osteoporosis) - a chronically progressive systemic metabolic disease of the skeleton or a clinical syndrome manifested in other diseases, which is characterized by a decrease in bone density, a violation of their microarchitectonics and increased fragility due to a violation of bone metabolism with a predominance of catabolism over bone formation processes, a decrease in bone strength and an increased risk of fractures.

In 2005, Dr. Fishman began his small study of yoga movements, which eventually yielded very encouraging results. In 2009, 11 participants who did yoga were found to have increased bone density in the spine and hips, compared to seven who did not do yoga.

The standard treatment for osteoporosis is special medications, which have rather unpleasant side effects and are not cheap. Side effects of these drugs are gastrointestinal disturbances. Indeed, the study of E. S. Siris, J. Yu, K. Bognar, M. DeKoven, A. Shrestha, J. A. Romley, A. Modi., published in the journal Clinical Interventions In Aging, found that only 28% of the 126,188 participants started taking their prescribed medication. The rest chose to refuse, wanting to avoid stomach problems.

Based on his research, Dr. Fishman proposes yoga as an alternative, less dangerous and cheaper option for preventing osteoporosis. In addition, yoga improves balance and coordination of movements, makes movement more relaxed, increases bone density and improves mood.

Yoga, by contrasting one muscle group with another, stimulates the production of osteocytes (bone cells).

Some scientists disagreed with Fishman, so he recruited volunteers from all over the world and started research. The experiment lasted from 2005 to 2015. It was attended by 741 people. 227 participants (202 of them were women) performed 12 specific asanas daily. The average age of the subjects was 68 years. 83% of them suffered from osteoporosis or osteopenia (the initial stage of osteoporosis).

At the beginning of the experiment, the researchers collected data on changes in bone density, performed biochemical analyzes of urine and blood, and took x-rays of the spine and hips. Then each of the participants received discs with video training, consisting of 12 asanas.

After 10 years, scientists conducted repeated analyzes. The results showed an increase in bone density in 227 participants who practiced yoga almost daily. The rest of the participants received improved coordination of movements and a sense of balance, flexibility, absence of back pain and fractures (during the entire experiment, not a single participant received a single fracture). Despite the fact that their bone mass did not increase, it did not decline. It has been proven that yoga can be a very effective preventive measure.

Complex of 12 asanas

So, this complex consisted of vrikshasana (tree posture), utthita trikonasana (triangle posture), virabhadrasana II (warrior posture II), parsvakonasana (lateral triangle), parivritta trikonasana (twisted triangle), salabhasana (locust posture), bandhadrasana half bridge), supta padangusthasana I (lying on the back arm to leg I), supta padangusthasana II (lying on the back arm to leg II), marichiasana II (twisting with a straight leg), ardha matsyendrasana (twisting with a bent knee), savasana (corpse poses).


Utthita trikonasana

Virabhadrasana II


Parivritta trikonasana


Setu bandhasana

Supta Padangusthasana I

Supta Padangusthasana II

Marichiasana II

Ardha Matsyendrasana


Each pose is performed for 30 seconds. In general, this charge takes only 12 minutes. Consider that just 12 minutes a day will give you a healthy spine, strong bones, correct posture, improved coordination and balance. And as a bonus, add a good mood and stress resistance!
