Table of contents:

Lifehacker's Best Heart Health Articles That Could Save Your Life
Lifehacker's Best Heart Health Articles That Could Save Your Life

According to WHO statistics, 80% of premature deaths due to heart attacks and strokes could be avoided if risk factors were eliminated.

Lifehacker's Best Heart Health Articles That Could Save Your Life
Lifehacker's Best Heart Health Articles That Could Save Your Life

What to do if your heart hurts

What to do if your heart hurts: 5 ways to help quickly
What to do if your heart hurts: 5 ways to help quickly

Heart pain can indicate problems in other parts of the body. We will tell you how to understand which organ is really worried about you, and in what cases urgent help from specialists is needed.

7 good habits for heart health

7 good habits for heart health
7 good habits for heart health

Following a few simple rules will significantly reduce your risk of heart disease. For example, check your cholesterol levels, exercise, and quit bad habits. But that's not all.

Signs of a heart attack in which you need to call an ambulance

Signs of a heart attack in which you need to call an ambulance
Signs of a heart attack in which you need to call an ambulance

Collected the most important things about a heart attack in one article. Find out what this condition is, how to recognize it, and what to do to help the person during an attack.

11 signs that you may have cardiac arrest

11 signs that you may have cardiac arrest
11 signs that you may have cardiac arrest

Some symptoms seem harmless, such as nausea or toothache. Check if you are at risk.

8 top questions about arrhythmia


The cardiovascular surgeon answers frequently asked questions about the disease: how to distinguish arrhythmia from heart palpitations, what is its danger and what to do to make the heart work properly.

Where does hypertension come from and why measure blood pressure if everything is in order with you

Where does hypertension come from and why measure blood pressure if everything is in order with you
Where does hypertension come from and why measure blood pressure if everything is in order with you

High blood pressure is the cause of many dangerous diseases. An insidious ailment is often disguised in such a way that a person may not even realize that his health is being threatened.

Why a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your heart

Why a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your heart
Why a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your heart

Office workers who spend 10 hours a day at the desk are at risk of heart problems. The likelihood of illness can be reduced by becoming more active, but walking is not enough.

How regular exercise affects the cardiovascular system

How regular exercise affects the cardiovascular system
How regular exercise affects the cardiovascular system

Just 30-60 minutes of activity a day not only helps you stay in shape, but also keeps your cardiovascular system young. This article contains the results of experiments and the conclusions of scientists, which should not be ignored for the sake of your own health and longevity.
