How to do it right: fight or fight
How to do it right: fight or fight

Remember that the spelling of unstressed endings of verbs depends on the conjugation.

How to do it right: fight or fight
How to do it right: fight or fight

It is very difficult to catch by ear the ending of the verb to fight in the third person of the plural. And in order not to get into a difficult situation, you will have to remember the school curriculum.

Conjugation is a change in verbs by person and number. In modern Russian, there are two conjugations: the first and the second. Their knowledge is necessary in order to correctly identify letters in unstressed endings.

In short, verbs ending in -th in an indefinite form refer to the second conjugation, and all others to the first. Although there are exceptions Writing unstressed endings of verbs that you need to remember well. In the endings of the verbs of the first conjugation, we write the vowels e, y, u, the second - and, a, i.

Therefore, to determine the spelling, you should put the questionable verb in the initial form: what to do? Fight. The suffix o indicates that this is the first conjugation, and among the exceptions, the word does not appear. Therefore, we write the ending -yt-. For example: Love and fear are fighting in the soul. Conservationists are fighting to preserve forests.

As for the writing, they are struggling, it does not correspond to the norms of the Russian language.

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