Table of contents:

10 exercises to fight your fear of communication
10 exercises to fight your fear of communication

Be prepared for the fact that you have to make new acquaintances.

10 exercises to fight your fear of communication
10 exercises to fight your fear of communication

Read poems in front of an audience

One way to overcome shyness and fear of interacting with people is to go out in public. Memorize a short poem (rewrite it on paper, save it in notes on your smartphone, if it's really scary) and read it.

Do this in front of your friends and family first, then try to go outside and speak to strangers. Read expressively without lowering your head. So that you are heard. Take a friend with you to be your support group.

You will notice that many people will smile and some will stop to listen. The rest will simply not pay attention to you - is it worth worrying?

If the fear is that others notice all the small flaws, it is unjustified. You notice much more in yourself than others.

Try on a different look

Do you have a favorite character from a movie or book who communicates with people without any problems? Reincarnate into it for one day. Become an actor and step out of your role.

It's difficult, but imagine that you just need to play this role. To make it easier, think like this: "Even if someone thinks something bad, it will not refer to me, but to my image."

Approach strangers with a request or question

Go to a mall or other crowded place and set a task for yourself: go up to 20 people every three minutes and ask, for example, what time it is. A simple question that any person will answer you.

You can try something more challenging next time. For example, ask for help to fasten a chain around your neck or take a picture of you for a friend who lives in another country. You will be surprised how many people will be happy to help you.

But don't forget that you don't need an extra dose of stress. If you can't get to the person for more than a few minutes, switch to something else, but don't give up.

Walk a little and return to the exercise. With each new person it will become easier for you to fulfill it.

Attend a Crowded Event

Go to a concert by a music artist (preferably the artist is interesting to you). Dance, treat your idol's fans with drinks and make new acquaintances. It's much easier if you already have a topic of conversation and common interests.

Say hello to strangers

Wish good morning when you go for coffee before work. Find out how the day went at the cashier of your store if you went to buy groceries in the evening.

If this is not a problem, try to say hello to someone from the passers-by. Most likely, they will answer you with a greeting in response: what if you made a mistake? And for you, this is a small step towards overcoming fear.

Do something absurd in your opinion

If you are afraid to look stupid because you say or do something wrong, try doing it on purpose.

From the simplest point of view, wear different socks. And let it be visible to everyone. It is harder to say or do something deliberately stupid on purpose. Decide what seems awkward to you, choose the right place and time and do it. Just remember that everything must be within the law.

Meet yourself

Set a goal for yourself: meet five people in one evening. Go to a bar, go to an exhibition or a museum and strike up a conversation with someone.

You can prepare a conversation plan in advance. If this is an exhibition, the task becomes even easier: share your impressions and find out what the interlocutor thinks.

Again, you don't need extra stress. If you are usually uncomfortable with interrupting a conversation (although you want to), put a time frame. Let it be five minutes, after which you firmly but politely tell the interlocutor: “It was nice to meet you, but I have to go. Thank you for your time.

Think over the options for the development of events

You have already imagined the most pleasant thing that happened to you. Now you need to think about the opposite.

Think about the most stressful and difficult communication situation in your life. For example, an unsuccessful public speech. Now imagine what you would do to save the situation if you returned to the past.

This exercise will help you prepare for an important event ahead. Think over different options: what can go wrong, what difficulties await. Think back to everything you did before to take into account mistakes and not make them in the future.


Tell people nice things. If you see someone wearing a nice sweater, compliment and find out, for example, where you can buy one. The person will be pleased, and you will understand that it is not so difficult to start a conversation.

If your coworker has a new hairstyle, let him know you noticed. Praise the master if you really liked it, but don't overdo it. Gross flattery is always obvious, so be sincere.

Rehearse in front of the mirror

Stand in front of a mirror and rehearse the upcoming dialogue. It is important to monitor your emotions and body language. Smile, be yourself and watch what you do.

Practice several times daily until you see confidence in your actions. For example, look at the speeches of public people: how they speak, gesture and behave in general.

It's okay to be afraid. However, you can overcome fear if you want to. In difficult situations, it is always better to consult a psychologist, but if you are sure that you can handle it yourself, try and aim for success. Everything will work out.
