What can be made of snow other than a snowman
What can be made of snow other than a snowman

Snow figures, fortresses and hills are not all that can be made from snow. And snowballs are not the only snow fun. From snow, with snow and thanks to snow, you can come up with many more interesting things!

What can be made of snow other than a snowman
What can be made of snow other than a snowman

Drawings in the snow

We tint the water with food dyes or simple gouache and go out into the yard. Before us is a huge snow-white canvas that can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow. Such devices as spray guns, spray guns, water pistols (if only they do not freeze) will be used. Coloring can be combined with trampling patterns and the construction of snow figures. Without a snowman, it's still nowhere, so let it be multi-colored!

What can be done from snow: drawings in the snow
What can be done from snow: drawings in the snow

Melt water

Snow can be melted and melted water can be obtained. The evidence for the benefits of such water - including backed by scientific studies - is abundant. Melt water is used in a variety of ways: they wash themselves, make baths, applications, inhalation (but not with a steam inhaler) and just drink. It is also advised to gargle, but if you use cold melt water, then it is better to be careful with this.

And in order for the melt water to retain its properties, it must be cool. Even better - cold. Already at 20 ° C, the biological activity of melt water decreases by 50% during the day. In addition, when cold water is used, an additional thermal effect is exerted on the body.

Snow hardening

Snow has a strong stimulating effect on the body. With the right approach, hardening can significantly strengthen the immune system and maintain overall health. But it should be remembered that wiping with snow and snow baths are very strong, close to extreme loads. Do not under any circumstances start hardening with these procedures: they are suitable for trained people. Walking barefoot in the snow is more gentle, but it should also be practiced with caution. It is advisable to first consult with specialists.

Experiments with snow

There are many scientific experiments with snow and ice that can be done at home. It will be not only exciting, but also useful in terms of studying the properties of the surrounding world.

Even simple snowflakes are of interest: they are strikingly beautiful. If there are no optical instruments in the house, then you can look at the snowflakes by going outside during a snowfall with a sheet of black velvet paper. Against a dark background, snowflakes are very visible.

The blowing of soap bubbles is an impressive sight. A thin film of water freezes before our eyes, forming symmetrical patterns. Unfortunately, this experiment can only be done in severe frost.

For the smallest, the experience with the "disappearance" of snow in the warmth is suitable. Watch with your child how the snow brought home gradually melts, tell about its properties.

What can be made of snow: soap bubbles in the cold
What can be made of snow: soap bubbles in the cold

Refrigerator in the country

With the help of snow, you can significantly extend the shelf life of fresh and canned vegetables and root crops. To make a snow refrigerator, you will have to allocate a separate room or a very large capacity. Snow is brought into the room and compacted as tightly as possible. The thickness of the compacted snow layer must be at least 20 cm. The temperature in such a room does not rise above 1–2 ° С. This storage method is called snowing.

Snow ice cream

Every child must try to eat snow and suck on icicles. But to be honest, apart from the tickling sensation of violated parental prohibitions, there is not much pleasure from such food. It's another matter if you turn snow into ice cream.

It is very simple to do this: freshly fallen snow is mixed with condensed milk until a homogeneous air mass is obtained. You can add anything to this base: vanillin, cocoa, fruit syrups, jam, and so on. All ingredients should preferably be refrigerated before use. The snow, of course, must be clean. In an urban setting, you can put a bowl outside the window during a snowfall. Snow ice cream cannot be stored, eat immediately.

These are the ways we use snow. Surely we have forgotten something, so tell us, how do you use snow in everyday life, study and work?
