Workout of the Day: Strengthen your abs without wrinkling or crunching
Workout of the Day: Strengthen your abs without wrinkling or crunching

Six back-safe movements.

Workout of the Day: Strengthen your abs without wrinkling or crunching
Workout of the Day: Strengthen your abs without wrinkling or crunching

If you don't like the standard abdominal folds that strain your neck or hurt your lower back, be sure to try this workout. Six movements will properly pump all the muscles of the body and simultaneously load the arms, shoulders and hips.

Exercise with the right technique - no bending in the lower back and with constant abdominal tension - and you can forget about back pain.

The workout consists of six exercises:

  1. Plank walking- 3 sets of 8 reps. Move back to a position where you can hold out without moving for one second, and then come back. Keep the body rigid, make sure that the lower back does not fall through.
  2. Side plank walking- 3 sets of 15 steps. Take three steps to the side before changing sides. Maintain a straight body line from head to heels.
  3. Plank to Dolphin Pose - 3 sets of 10 reps. Do it slowly and in a controlled manner. If you can't do it with straight legs, you can bend your knees slightly. Keep your spine straight from the pelvis to the neck, and when returning to the plank, tighten your abs to avoid arching in the lower back.
  4. The transition from "crab" to "bear" - 3 sets of 12 transitions. In the crab pose, keep your shoulders down, do not pull them up to your ears.
  5. "Superman" on the chair - 3 sets of 8 reps. Hold at the top point for one second to better load the muscles of the back of the body. If you do not have a suitable chair, make movements on the floor: lift your chest and hips off the floor, fix the position for a second and lower it back.
  6. Raising arms and legs in the "bear" bar - 3 sets of 10 times in total. If your balance is not enough, get on all fours and lift the opposite arms and legs in this position. Alternate sides every other time.

You can do the exercises with a little rest of 30 seconds between sets, but it's better to arrange a circuit training: it will take less time and will help maintain a high heart rate, which is good for heart health and weight loss.

Do the movements consistently without interruption, then rest for 60-120 seconds and repeat again. Complete three circles.
