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5 reasons to take a cold shower
5 reasons to take a cold shower

A cold shower has many benefits. It has health and psychological benefits to help us improve.

5 reasons to take a cold shower
5 reasons to take a cold shower

1. Strengthens willpower

A cold shower is a great exercise for developing willpower, and without it, you will not achieve anything in life. It is thanks to her that you can quit smoking, learn to control your emotions, eat right, go to bed earlier, earn more, be kinder.

Willpower is like a muscle: it needs to be trained to get stronger.

In addition, scientists have found that by developing willpower in one area (for example, adhering to a rigid training plan or financial strategy), we strengthen it in others as well: we eat less fast food and alcohol, and watch less TV.

One minute a day is enough to start training willpower. Before leaving the shower in the morning, simply turn on the cold water and stand under it for a minute. Yes, it's unpleasant, but that's the point. But you will come out of the shower cheerful and focused. By making it a habit, you will build willpower in all areas of life.

2. Develops patience

You need to be able to endure discomfort. By starting small (for example, not scratching where it itches), you will train yourself not to react to unpleasant physical sensations. And over time, you will transfer this ability to other areas of life. For example, if someone cuts you off on the road, you may feel an adrenaline rush, but don't let your emotions get the best of you.

How does this all relate to a cold shower? Quite simply, a cold shower increases your ability to tolerate discomfort, which in turn reduces stress.

3. Helps you embrace change and be grateful

By building willpower with a cold shower, you develop patience. As you become more patient, you learn to accept the changes that are inevitable in life. This acceptance is directly related to gratitude. After all, if you do not learn to accept the bad, you will never appreciate the good.

4. Looks like meditation

It's not for nothing that many meditation practices involve breathing exercises. When we focus on our breathing, we focus on the present moment.

A cold shower enhances this effect. While we are under cold water, we breathe faster and more often, and our attention simply cannot switch to the past or the future. It focuses on the breath, which is the present.

It turns out that every cold shower is like a short meditation and an opportunity to forget for a while about the problems and worries that accompany us from day to day.

5. Teaches humility

Experiencing humility is beneficial. And a cold shower is a great way to give yourself a psychological kick, because before the cold, everyone is equal, even the greatest people.

And you need humility. If you take a cold shower regularly, after a month or two you will notice a change in yourself: you will become calmer, more energetic, more disciplined. A cold shower will always remind you: you are no better than others, we are all the same. No matter how strong you think you are, the cold can humble anyone.
