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4 reasons to drink cold drinks in the heat
4 reasons to drink cold drinks in the heat

Drinking with ice will save you even when your body has no other way to cool down.

4 reasons to drink cold drinks in the heat
4 reasons to drink cold drinks in the heat

1. Help to cool down when perspiration is ineffective

Hot tea is a traditional drink in countries with hot climates. Both green and black are popular. Body heat storage during physical activity is lower with hot fluid ingestion under conditions that permit full evaporation that hot drinks increase sweat production and ultimately result in effective cooling. However, there are situations in which this mechanism does not work.

At high air humidity

If you are in an environment with high air humidity, the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin will not be intense enough to cool.

When clothes or cosmetics get in the way

  • Your clothes do not wick moisture away from the skin if: the structure of the fabric is too dense, it contains solid synthetics, the clothes are heavily soiled with sebum.
  • When the dress code obliges you to wear pantyhose in a hot office, it also interferes with cooling. They cover about 55% of the Rule of Nines for adult and child body surface.
  • If your face, neck and décolleté are covered with a thick layer of makeup, this prevents your skin from effectively exchanging moisture with the environment. Some cosmetics or medicines act similarly, which, when applied to the body, create a film. It closes the pores of the skin and interferes with their work. For example, petroleum jelly blocks 99% of water from the skin. Cosmetic Dermatology: Products and Procedures.

In these cases, the ice cold drink will cool the body from the inside, even when the heat loss from sweat is blocked.

2. Quench thirst faster

There are cold receptors in the mouth. If it's hot and you drink cold, these receptors send positive impulses of Cold pleasure. Why we like ice drinks, ice-lollies and ice cream to the brain, followed by a feeling of comfort and pleasure. The drunk portion will cool, the temperature inside the body will decrease, and this will require less fluid than during tea drinking. This is logical: to cool down, sweating intensely, you need to drink more.

3. Protect your heart if you are working or exercising in the heat

In hot weather, the heart works under increased load. Thirst and heavy drinking lead to the fact that the volume of blood becomes larger than usual, and the heart has to work harder to pump it. In addition, when blood vessels expand from heat, their overall lumen increases and blood pressure decreases - this forces the heart to contract more often in order to provide oxygen to the tissues.

The Thermoregulation During Extended Exercise in the Heat: Comparisons of Fluid Volume and Temperature study was conducted, which measured the performance of healthy young people under conditions of physical activity in a heat of 35.5 ° C. Those who drank water with crushed ice performed better than participants who drank water at the same temperature as the environment.

4. Will help reduce the amount of fluid you drink

For people with cardiovascular problems, this can be significant. For example, some medications cause dry mouth, and a person is tormented by constant thirst, and the doctor has strictly limited the daily amount of liquid drunk. Then sour drinks with ice, popsicles or just ice cubes for sucking will help How to quench your thirst. The effect of water-based products varying in temperature and texture, flavor, and sugar content on thirst. deal with the problem.


If you are unable or unwilling to sweat long and hard, cold drinks and food can help lower your internal temperature and avoid overheating in hot weather. It is important to observe the measure and control not only the temperature and amount of moisture, but also the composition of the drink.
