Table of contents:

What exercises for a thin waist exactly work
What exercises for a thin waist exactly work

Is it worth twisting the hula hoop, standing in the bar and pumping the press.

What exercises for a thin waist really work
What exercises for a thin waist really work

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Why doesn't the waist look thin?

Due to the peculiarities of the skeleton

The ratio of the waist to the hips is due to the characteristics of the skeleton. If you have a narrow ribcage and a wide pelvis, your waist will appear thinner, even if you are overweight.

In people with a rectangular or triangular body type, the chest is wide, and the hips either coincide with it in width, or have a smaller girth. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to reduce the waist.

Due to the amount of fat

Fat deposits on the abdomen can widen the waist even in those with a narrow chest and wide hips. Such a "lifeline" arises, first of all, from an excess of calories in the diet.

In addition, high levels of fructose, lack of dietary protein, lack of activity, stress, poor sleep, smoking and alcohol contribute to the accumulation of belly fat. By eliminating all these factors, you will lose fat and see how thin your waist is.

Due to the thickness of the oblique abdominal muscles

The external oblique muscles of the abdomen are part of the abdominal muscles. They help the rectus abdominis to bend the spine and lower the ribs, and with a one-sided contraction, they turn the torso. Therefore, all abdominal exercises with body twists focus on pumping these muscles.

To see how their thickness affects body contours, just look at CrossFit athletes with a pumped core. They do not have excess fat: the cubes are perfectly visible, but the aspen waist is not visible either.

Exercises for a thin waist
Exercises for a thin waist

However, such a figure was formed after long and hard training. Athletes specifically pump up the obliques by doing a lot of core exercises. From regular activities in the gym or at home, you will not have such reliefs.

Can you do something about this?

It all depends on the reason why your waist is not thin. If there is excess belly fat, but the skeletal structure allows you to have a wasp waist, exercise will definitely help. If you have a rectangular figure, losing fat will reduce your waist but will not make your silhouette look like an hourglass.

Do you need to do any special exercises?

In one study, The effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat, six weeks of abdominal exercise did not produce any results: did not lose weight, did not remove fat from the abdomen. In another experiment, Effect of abdominal resistance exercise on abdominal subcutaneous fat of obese women: a randomized controlled trial using ultrasound imaging assessments, 12 weeks of diet combined with abdominal workout gave exactly the same results as a diet without exercise at all.

Abdominal exercises do not help you achieve a thin waist or burn belly fat.

Any kind of workout will work to cope with fat. The more intensive and longer the classes are held, the better. This will help you burn more calories and lose fat faster.

Therefore, it makes no sense to perform endless planks, twists, folds and other abdominal exercises. It is much more effective to jump burpees, go for a run, or do a high-intensity interval complex for the whole body.

Try these

30 minutes of aerobic trash for health, weight loss and endurance
30 minutes of aerobic trash for health, weight loss and endurance

30 minutes of aerobic trash for health, weight loss and endurance

5 circles of hell: home workout for a beautiful body
5 circles of hell: home workout for a beautiful body

5 circles of hell: home workout for a beautiful body

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Circular 20 Minute Workout: Harsh Homemade Cardio with Muscle Boost

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Workout of the Week: 30 minutes of circular workout

Workout of the Week: 30 minutes of circular workout

5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips
5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips

5 circles of hell: interval training with an emphasis on the hips

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5 circles of hell: cool chameleon driving and exercises - killer press

5 circles of hell: cool chameleon driving and exercises - killer press

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5 circles of hell: intense, explosive and very interesting home workout

5 circles of hell: intense, explosive and very interesting home workout

15 Minutes of Hell: An Intense Workout of Simple Exercises
15 Minutes of Hell: An Intense Workout of Simple Exercises

15 Minutes of Hell: An Intense Workout of Simple Exercises

Are there any exercises you shouldn't do?

If every millimeter in your waist is important to you, you should not do exercises for pumping the oblique abdominal muscles. These are any movements with body twists: oblique twists, side bends with dumbbells or on a block simulator, side planks, Russian twists, "woodcutter" with a dumbbell or a medicine ball.

I heard the hoop helps. This is true?

This is unexpected, but the hoop does help to reduce the waist circumference. A recent study, Effects of Weighted Hula-Hooping Compared to Walking on Abdominal Fat, Trunk Muscularity, and Metabolic Parameters in Overweight Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Study, found that six weeks of twisting a weighted hoop (1.5 kg) reduced belly fat by 2 %, and the waist became 3, 1 cm thinner.

At the same time, scientists do not understand why this happened. Perhaps this is due to Putting the squeeze on fat cells with mechanical stimulation of fat cells.

In any case, if you are overweight, twisting the hoop alone will not be enough for a thin waist. It is much better to take an integrated approach: diet, exercise for the whole body and daily workouts with a weighted hoop for 13 minutes or more.

But what if there is no fat or waist?

If the fat is gone, but the waist does not appear, most likely, the matter is in the peculiarities of your structure. You can live with it and live without the "hourglass" or turn to plastic surgery.

To make the waist more pronounced, people go through a resection - the removal of one or more pairs of lower ribs. After such an intervention, due to the contraction of the abdominal muscles, the waist circumference decreases.

This operation has a rather long recovery period (2-3 days in the hospital and a month in a corset). Complications are possible in the form of impaired kidney function, frequent colds and pain. The cost starts from 57 thousand rubles.

Are there simpler options?

If plastic surgery does not appeal to you, try adjusting your figure with clothing. Wear fluffy skirts that visually widen the hips, mid-rise jeans. Choose a dark top and a light bottom, try belted clothes, dresses with contrasting side panels.

In our opinion, if you have a healthy body without excess fat and harmoniously developed muscles, what difference does it make if your waist looks like an aspen or not? Enjoy your beauty and don't risk your health for dubious aesthetic benefits.
