Table of contents:

13 films about the end of the world that look a breeze
13 films about the end of the world that look a breeze

Nuclear war, the biblical flood, a collision with a meteorite and other scenarios for the death of mankind.

13 films about the apocalypse that look a breeze
13 films about the apocalypse that look a breeze

13. Noah

  • USA, 2014.
  • Adventure, drama.
  • Duration: 138 minutes.
  • IMDb: 5, 8.
Apocalypse Movies: "Noah"
Apocalypse Movies: "Noah"

Darren Aronofsky's painting retells the famous biblical story about the Flood in free form. Of the people in it, only the righteous Noah and his family were saved. They collected a couple of each type of animal and loaded them into the ark.

The most popular version of the end of the world and the destruction of mankind among religious people is the wrath of God, which will result in a global cataclysm. Aronofsky did not accurately recount chapters from the Bible and even came up with new characters. But you will not deny him courage and scope.

12. 2012

  • USA, 2009.
  • Science fiction, action, adventure.
  • Duration: 158 minutes.
  • IMDb: 5, 8.

American geologist Adrian Helmsley discovers that the earth's core is getting very hot. This should lead to global natural disasters. Upon learning of this threat, the governments of different countries begin to build giant arks to save humanity. But all the same, when disasters begin in 2012, people are not ready.

Director Roland Emmerich is famous for his love of filming global destruction and large-scale action. The plot part in "2012" turned out to be rather weak, but the view of the inundation of the Earth is simply mesmerizing.

11. The Sign

  • USA, UK, Australia, 2009.
  • Science fiction, thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 121 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 2.

In 1959, a group of schoolchildren was given the task: to depict their own idea of the future. All drawings were placed in a capsule and sealed for 50 years. Among them was a piece of paper with a strange set of numbers from Lucinda Embry. In 2009, the capsule is opened, and Professor John Koestler understands: all global catastrophes on Earth are predicted in a set of numbers. And soon something really terrifying is about to happen.

The tense scene with Nicolas Cage predicts that the planet will be burned by macroflares in the Sun. However, there is a hint in the picture that some forces will help save the human race.

10. The day after tomorrow

  • USA, 2004.
  • Science fiction, thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 124 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 4.

Global warming is causing massive melting of glaciers, which leads to a decrease in the temperature of the oceans. Climatologist Jack Hall tries to warn the government of the impending danger, but soon the Earth freezes over. Then Hall goes in search of his missing son.

This picture, like 2012, is the work of Roland Emmerich. This means that here, too, the maximum funds and efforts have been invested in global destruction. Where else can you see how the tornado blows the Hollywood sign, and the tsunami floods the Statue of Liberty.

9. End of the World 2013: Apocalypse in Hollywood

  • USA, 2013.
  • Comedy, fantasy.
  • Duration: 107 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 6.
Films about the end of the world: "End of the World 2013: Apocalypse in Hollywood"
Films about the end of the world: "End of the World 2013: Apocalypse in Hollywood"

Jay Baruchel comes to visit his friend Seth Rogen and finds himself at a noisy party, where many celebrities have gathered. Going for a beer, he witnesses the beginning of the apocalypse: several people ascend to heaven, and chaos reigns around. At first, new acquaintances do not believe in the veracity of Baruchel's stories. But the appearance of demons finally convinces them: the real end of the world has come.

This film is just a friendly skit, in which many of Seth Rogen's acquaintances gathered. The very essence of the apocalypse is not really explained here. But there are a lot of stupid and funny jokes, as well as the opportunity to see the stars in an unusual role. For example, Emma Watson with an ax.

8. Last hours

  • Australia, 2013.
  • Science fiction, drama, thriller.
  • Duration: 87 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 7.

An asteroid fell into the Atlantic Ocean, immediately destroying many countries. The rest will soon be burned up in a firestorm. The main character James, like all the inhabitants of Australia, has 10 hours left before his death. Then he goes to the last party, but on the way he meets a girl who is looking for her father.

An independent film made for little money will not show the destruction of countries. But it will make you think: what would you do if you knew for sure that there were only a few hours left to live?

7. Looking for a friend for the end of the world

  • USA, 2011.
  • Melodrama, comedy, fantasy.
  • Duration: 101 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6, 7.

Upon learning that a huge meteorite would soon destroy the Earth, Dodge's wife fled without explaining the reason. Then he decided to find his first love Olivia and went on the road, taking his neighbor Penny as a fellow traveler. This is how the story of true friendship begins on the eve of the end of the world.

In this film, with the wonderful Steve Carell and Keira Knightley in the lead roles, literally all genres are mixed. This is a global story of the apocalypse, a comedy, and a traditional melodrama about the search for true love. But the moral of the story is simple: a person definitely needs someone close and understanding. And often such people are very close.

6. On the last bank

  • USA, Australia, 2000.
  • Science fiction, drama.
  • Duration: 195 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 0.

World nuclear war destroyed almost all of humanity. Life has survived only in remote Australia. But gradually radiation reaches this continent. And residents will have to face the inevitable.

In this dark and realistic picture, there is no action and global events. The story simply tells about people, each of whom in their own way tries to cope with the terrible information: some go to all the hard, some fight to the last, and some prefer to give up and just rest the last days. The film is based on the novel of the same name, and there is also a classic 1959 adaptation. Both are equally good.

5. Monster

  • USA, 2008.
  • Science fiction, horror.
  • Duration: 81 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 0.
Movies about the apocalypse: "Monstro"
Movies about the apocalypse: "Monstro"

Rob throws a party on the occasion of his departure to Japan, and he himself records everything with a video camera. Suddenly, chaos reigns in the city, and no one can understand what happened. Fragmentary footage on an amateur camera confirms that something gigantic has attacked the city.

One of the most successful films in the "found film" genre (that is, allegedly filmed by the participants in the events) strangely spawned an entire Cloverfield franchise. Parts of it were filmed by different directors and are not directly related. But in the end, they all complement each other, creating a common story.

4. The magic mile

  • USA, 1988.
  • Drama, melodrama, thriller.
  • Duration: 87 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 0.

Harry and Julia just met. On the way to a date, the hero in love answers a random call on a pay phone. Then he learns that a nuclear war will begin in about an hour. He is in a hurry to find Julia and spend with her what little time they have left.

A very emotional picture catches first of all with an unusual atmosphere. This is a true love story. But the heroes hope to the last that everything will be okay, secretly realizing the doom of the situation.

3. Melancholy

  • Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, 2011.
  • Science fiction, drama.
  • Duration: 130 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 2.

The beauty Justine is getting married, but right at the wedding, a quarrel begins between the newlyweds. She becomes depressed, which her sister Claire helps her to cope with. Soon there is information that the planet Melancholy is moving towards the Earth. And in the event of a collision, the whole world could perish.

The picture of the famous Lars von Trier, like his other works, tells not about disasters, but about people. And Melancholy shows very realistically how differently characters deal with information about imminent death. It turns out that the more organized Claire panics, and Justine more easily accepts the inevitable.

2. Shelter

  • USA, 2011.
  • Horror, thriller, drama.
  • Duration: 121 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7, 4.

A simple worker, Curtis, with his wife Samantha and her hearing-impaired daughter Hannah lived quietly in a small town. But at some point, he began to dream about a huge tornado destroying the world. Then Curtis decided to build a secure shelter.

If in the previous examples the apocalypse was obvious and inevitable, then this picture is revealed in the opposite way. Even Curtis himself is not completely sure if he has lost his mind. And, perhaps, the main danger for loved ones will not be a tornado, but he himself.

1. Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Atomic Bomb

  • Great Britain, USA, 1963.
  • Science fiction, comedy, thriller.
  • Duration: 95 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8, 4.
Films about the end of the world: "Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned Not to Worry and Love the Atomic Bomb"
Films about the end of the world: "Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned Not to Worry and Love the Atomic Bomb"

General Jack D. Ripper, not quite adequate, arranges a nuclear attack on the USSR. US President Muffley is trying to stop the outbreak of the war and recall the planes. To do this, he convenes an emergency meeting of the entire leadership.

Stanley Kubrick's satirical comedy shows one of the most plausible scenarios of the apocalypse - nuclear war. Moreover, the director emphasizes that in our world even such events are too tied to the human factor: an insane general, communication interference and other trifles can lead to disaster. The very end of the world will not be shown here. But the open, ironic ending looks even stronger.
