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14 mistakes that prevent you from running easily
14 mistakes that prevent you from running easily

The correct running technique is the key to good results and the absence of injuries. Here are some of the mistakes that prevent runners from achieving this and enjoying their workout.

14 mistakes that prevent you from running easily
14 mistakes that prevent you from running easily

1. You are looking down

Beginner runners often look at their feet, but need to - in front of them. This will prevent the neck from bending and maintain correct posture. Don't be afraid to fall and look at the imaginary finish line ahead.

2. You have chosen the wrong sneakers

Size, width, support, outsole type, and toe-toe drop - there is a lot to go wrong here. If your foot hurts from running, chances are you have chosen the wrong shoe. It should be borne in mind that you need to buy sports shoes half a size more than everyday ones. And, of course, you shouldn't choose a model based on its appearance, color and fashion trends. There is no universal advice on choosing the perfect sneaker - you need to try different models in action. Some stores install dough treadmills.

3. You are taking too big steps

If, while running, you resemble a gazelle - the foot is much ahead of the hip when landing - it is worth considering. Of course, gazelles are fast, but they have strong hooves. And human legs get too much stress with this running style. Want to run faster? Remember this depends on the strength of the gluteal muscles and hip extensors - include cross-leg strength training in your workout plan. Here are 58 exercises for all tastes and a simple exercise to help you get the right stride width.

4. You cross your arms

The fact that the right hand moves to the left while running, and the left to the right, indicates the instability of the torso. Such movements slow down the speed. Strengthen your abs for better coordination while protecting your internal organs. Try six ab exercises that really work, or one of 36 variations for your fitness level.

5. You run too much

Have you decided to run 5 kilometers on the move? Naive! Choose a program for a beginner and start small: alternate between small intervals of running and walking, gradually increasing the proportion of running. Keep in mind that walking is also very beneficial for your health and burning calories. And a real goal will allow you not to lose motivation and reach the end.

6. You don't pay attention to your breathing

There are many things to consider in running. But breathing is one of the most important aspects. Synchronizing your breath with your steps affects how long and how fast you run. It doesn't matter which scheme you choose, the main thing is that it allows you to maintain a constant rhythm. But how to breathe correctly - with the mouth or nose - is still a controversial issue.

7. You raise your knees too high

Cyclists often make this mistake, as they have well-developed quadriceps muscles of the thigh. Remember that while running, the gluteal muscles and hip extensors discussed above should be used most of all. Ideally, the knees should not extend beyond 45 degrees.

8. You constantly think about how hard it is to rearrange your legs

Running with such a mindset is, of course, not easy. To distract yourself, turn on the music louder or pay more attention to how beautiful it is around if you are running in nature. Better yet, concentrate on your breathing.

9. You only do jogging

Of course, running strengthens the whole body. But this is not a reason to give up strength training. Yoga and classic gym exercises should definitely be in your training plan. They will teach you to feel the muscles - running will be easier, and the risk of injury will be lower.

10. You lean forward too much

Sitting hunched over in front of your computer all day? In running, the habit of slouching is certainly not worth transferring. To avoid this, include a hip flexor stretch in your warm-up.

11. You only warm up while standing

In addition to articular gymnastics, you need to do dynamic stretching before jogging. Your choices are lunges and jumps. And after a run, you should not immediately flop into a chair. Static stretching can help calm your breathing and avoid soreness.

12. Your knees touch each other

Most often this is typical for petite girls: during the landing, the knees touch each other. The root of the problem is weak muscles in the buttocks. This ultimately leads to knee problems, so strengthen your glutes.

13. You think you're not made for running

If you walk, you can run. Even with serious illnesses, people run marathons. Maintain a positive attitude, find your reason to stay on the treadmill, and remind yourself of it regularly. Feel free to engage in dialogue with yourself. This is not a sign of insanity, but an effective tool for increasing endurance.

14. You drink too much water

Lack of water leads to health problems. But its excess leads to heaviness - it will be more difficult to run. We need to find a balance. In fact, a beginner who runs short distances does not need to drink while jogging (when it is not too hot outside). If you want to get down to business, weigh yourself after training. For every 100 grams you lose, you need to drink 100–150 ml of water.
