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The best articles about life in 2020 on Lifehacker
The best articles about life in 2020 on Lifehacker

What myths is it time to stop believing, why it is worth squatting as often as possible and how to communicate with people in a white coat.

The best articles about life in 2020 on Lifehacker
The best articles about life in 2020 on Lifehacker

Why do we need to squat more often and why we almost stopped doing it

Articles about life: why you need to squat more often
Articles about life: why you need to squat more often

We sit all the time: at our desk, on the way to school, or when we watch TV. A sedentary lifestyle leads to many health problems, even if we exercise enough. But the good news is that you can reduce harm simply by squatting more often. And why this pose is useful and what effect it has on the body, read our article.

10 misconceptions about ancient Egypt that educated people are ashamed to believe

10 misconceptions about ancient Egypt that educated people are ashamed to believe
10 misconceptions about ancient Egypt that educated people are ashamed to believe

Do you believe that the pyramids were built by aliens? Or, perhaps, you still think that these buildings are filled to capacity with ingenious traps? It's time to get rid of these misconceptions and figure out what's what.

6 things you really shouldn't be ashamed of

Articles about life: 6 things you really don't need to be ashamed of
Articles about life: 6 things you really don't need to be ashamed of

There are things we don’t choose, like looks and family. It's the same with looks and personality traits. In this article, we tell you why you shouldn't worry about someone else's opinion or feel ashamed for your own life. And no, this does not mean that you need to fold your legs and stop doing something.

10 myths about the ancient world, in which many for some reason still believe

Articles about life: Ancient world
Articles about life: Ancient world

This may come as a surprise to you, but dinosaurs had feathers - these animals looked like wingless chickens or kiwi. And the Egyptians did not always write in hieroglyphs, and gladiators in duels usually did not fight to the death. In our material, we debunk these and other common myths and tell how things really were.

10 disposable items you should give up right now

Articles about life: 10 disposable things you should give up right now
Articles about life: 10 disposable things you should give up right now

It is not necessary to spend a lot of energy to help the planet: it will be enough just to give up some disposable items. For example, replace the plastic bag with a reusable canvas bag. And also give up plastic bottles and use containers made of durable materials instead. Read our article and find out how to start caring about the environment without compromising your own comfort.

10 facts about the human body that seem fantastic

Articles about life: 10 facts about the human body that seem fantastic
Articles about life: 10 facts about the human body that seem fantastic

The eyes see the world upside down, and sweat is actually odorless. Doesn't sound very true? Then keep another fact: there are more than four blood groups. And look for even more interesting information about the human body in our selection.

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9 traditions that should be abandoned for a long time

Articles about life: 9 traditions that should be abandoned for a long time
Articles about life: 9 traditions that should be abandoned for a long time

Some traditions are simply outdated and drag us into the past. Others have appeared relatively recently, while they are completely useless and support dangerous stereotypes. But the result is the same: we do many things for one and only reason: this is the way it is. Let's figure it out together, from which senseless rituals it is high time to get rid of.

12 misconceptions about the Middle Ages that everyone believes in completely in vain

Articles about life: 12 misconceptions about the Middle Ages that everyone believes in completely in vain
Articles about life: 12 misconceptions about the Middle Ages that everyone believes in completely in vain

We love movies and TV shows about the Middle Ages, and Game of Thrones ratings are proof of that. But thanks to cinema and popular culture, we often create the wrong image of this era. For example, we are sure that medieval clothes were gray and dull, the contents of chamber pots were then splashed out directly into the street, and every self-respecting knight wore a loyalty belt to his wife. But all these are common myths that we debunk in our article.

An ingenious cleaning method worth learning from Buddhist monks

An ingenious cleaning method worth learning from Buddhist monks
An ingenious cleaning method worth learning from Buddhist monks

Every morning after prayer, Buddhist monks clean up for 20 minutes. But at the same time, their goal is not just to disassemble the blockage: they do the cleaning for the sake of the process itself. And it becomes a special kind of meditation for them. How to adopt their approach and start taking a different approach to tidying up, read our article.

10 misconceptions about samurai we believe in movies and games

10 misconceptions about samurai we believe in movies and games
10 misconceptions about samurai we believe in movies and games

If you are very fond of films about samurai, then these facts may upset you. For example, the katana is not so strong and sharp, and in general it was used very rarely and in battle they preferred archery. And the ronins, wandering warriors without a master and a home, are not at all noble knights, but robbers and thugs. You can find more other myths in this article.

How to go grocery shopping during a pandemic

Articles about life: purchasing food during a pandemic
Articles about life: purchasing food during a pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has made adjustments to our lives. In this text, we have collected practical recommendations on how to now best go to the supermarket so as not to waste a lot of nerves and reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

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"I alone am smart, I stand beautiful in a white coat": how to communicate with people who consider themselves better than others

Articles about life: how to connect with people who think they are better than others
Articles about life: how to connect with people who think they are better than others

There are such "ideal" people who always calculate everything in advance and know how to act in a given situation. They put themselves above others, try to humiliate the interlocutor and give unsolicited advice - on the Internet they are called white-coats. In this material, we figured out why such people enrage everyone, what makes them wear a white coat and how to communicate with them correctly.

10 historical myths we still believe in

10 historical myths we still believe in
10 historical myths we still believe in

The Spartans threw weak babies off the cliff, slaves built pyramids, and the Vikings wore horned helmets - if you still believe in such myths, then rather open our article.

How to make life easier for loved ones in case of your own death

A suicide note: how to write one
A suicide note: how to write one

Thinking about it is unpleasant, but no one is immune from death. Therefore, Lifehacker has prepared instructions that will help greatly reduce the amount of hassle for loved ones in difficult times. It will help you figure out the state of your affairs now, and take control of all areas of your life.

9 misconceptions about Vikings we believe in TV shows and games

Articles about life: 9 misconceptions about Vikings we believe in TV shows and games
Articles about life: 9 misconceptions about Vikings we believe in TV shows and games

The Vikings were not that brutal - their average height was 172 cm, which is 6-10 cm below the current average. And they also ate poorly and did hard physical work, which did not contribute to the appearance of athletes in their ranks. But they were not dirty barbarians, women-northerners enjoyed greater freedom than representatives of other nations. You can find more interesting facts in our article.
