Table of contents:

Best articles on motivation in 2020 on Lifehacker
Best articles on motivation in 2020 on Lifehacker

We figure out why it doesn't work out to change your life, and tell you what habits you urgently need to get rid of.

Best articles on motivation in 2020 on Lifehacker
Best articles on motivation in 2020 on Lifehacker

8 things even polite people don't have to apologize for

8 things even polite people don't have to apologize for
8 things even polite people don't have to apologize for

Often we are taught from childhood to be exemplary boys and girls who are afraid to say "no" and do what they do not like to meet the expectations of loved ones or colleagues. As a result, we try to smooth out every refusal with an apology. Being able to ask for forgiveness is an important quality, but only if you are really to blame for something. We will tell you in what cases it is clearly not worth doing this.

7 ideas for those who want to develop every day

7 ideas for those who want to develop every day
7 ideas for those who want to develop every day

Come up with your own rituals, keep a motivational notebook and ask for feedback more often - we share tips that will help you become better, recuperate and find inspiration.

How to upgrade your life in 3-5 years


It is quite possible to radically change your life in a few years - you just need to move away from unnecessary noise and distractions and focus on what is really important. You will learn how to do this in our article.

Why You Don't Know What You Want And How To Fix It


To achieve your goals, you need to be clear about what you want. But not everyone succeeds in understanding themselves. For example, if you were raised by authoritarian parents, it will be difficult for you to make important decisions as an adult. We figure out why this is happening, and tell you how to find a way out of the situation.

What to do every day to be happier

what is needed for happiness
what is needed for happiness

You don't have to move mountains to tune in to a positive mood and look at everything from a different angle. Here are some simpler steps that will lead you to happiness.

7 habits you urgently need to give up

7 habits you urgently need to give up
7 habits you urgently need to give up

We continue to use plastic bags, buy a lot of unnecessary clothing and do not monitor the use of resources, forgetting that all this is harmful to our planet. However, it is not at all difficult to get rid of these habits painlessly - we will tell you how to do it.

How to make a self-care plan

How to make a self-care plan
How to make a self-care plan

A self-care plan is a roadmap to help you cope with stress, avoid despair, or lose control when problems are piling up. It will also teach you to better understand yourself and your needs and take care of yourself regularly. For more information on how to create such a plan, see the link below.

Your motivation depends on your mindset. Here's how to find it

Two types of thinking that affect motivation: get to know your
Two types of thinking that affect motivation: get to know your

What motivates a person to take on a difficult task - the prospect of pumping skills and horizons or waiting for praise? The answer will depend on his type of thinking. Find out what kind of thinking is typical for you, and it will be much easier to work more efficiently, as well as find common language with colleagues easier.

5 reasons why you can't change your life


You may be trapped in thinking, suffering from limiting attitudes, or not receiving support from loved ones. The good news is that these obstacles can be removed. Let's figure it out together how to do it.

16 reasons why you shouldn't put off breaking bad habits

16 reasons why you shouldn't put off breaking bad habits
16 reasons why you shouldn't put off breaking bad habits

No, this is not about smoking and alcohol abuse - everything is much more complicated. For example, due to the habit of eating large portions, you gradually gain excess weight. And you also destroy memory, attention, creativity, if you constantly constantly lack sleep. Or you risk not completing a single task, grabbing at all tasks at once. There are many such habits, and in this text we describe the consequences of each of them.
