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Best Productivity Articles in 2020 on Lifehacker
Best Productivity Articles in 2020 on Lifehacker

Tips from a neuroscientist, fighting procrastination, and checklists and tricks to help you be more productive.

Best Productivity Articles in 2020 on Lifehacker
Best Productivity Articles in 2020 on Lifehacker

How to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week

How to be more productive: how to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week
How to be more productive: how to bring yourself back to life in 3 days after a hard week

Sleeping less than 7-8 hours means you are not getting enough sleep, and this threatens unpleasant health consequences - for example, obesity and depression. But the good news is that some studies show that getting enough sleep for three or four nights in a row can help you make up for your sleep deficit. In this article, we'll tell you when to go to bed and what to do on the weekend to recover from a tough week.

9 simple checklists to help you be more productive

9 simple checklists to help you be more productive
9 simple checklists to help you be more productive

To-do lists are the best tool for keeping your mind on track and unloading your brain. But if you are tired of the usual to-do-lists or you are just starting to organize your life, be sure to pay attention to this collection. In it you will surely find a list to your liking.

6 tricks that improve productivity better than a to-do list

How to Be More Productive: 6 Productivity Techniques Better Than A To-Do List
How to Be More Productive: 6 Productivity Techniques Better Than A To-Do List

A to-do list is useful, but not always enough for productivity. You will fill it up with small things and feel good when you do them. But in this way, you can miss out on what is really important to you. Therefore, it is better to competently combine the list of tasks with the techniques that we talk about in this article.

If you don't write, you don't think. How to take notes productively with the Zettelkasten method

How to be more productive: how to take notes productively with the Zettelkasten method
How to be more productive: how to take notes productively with the Zettelkasten method

“We think only when we formulate words,” is the thought of the German scientist Nicholas Luhmann, who explained his productivity by the Zettelkasten method (translated from German - “card index”). The bottom line is simple: constantly write down your thoughts in notes or cards, from which new ideas, articles and, possibly, even books will then be born. And how to properly keep such notes - read in this material.

What is cessation and how to deal with it

How to be more productive: stopping
How to be more productive: stopping

We've all heard about procrastination - our brain's ability to procrastinate. But in an attempt to increase their productivity, some people go to the other extreme - stopping. And there is nothing good about this: the prestinators are constantly busy and constantly feel anxious. They do not postpone even non-urgent tasks and get cheap satisfaction from doing small things by ticking the checklist. Whereas more important and long projects bring them much less pleasure. The life hacker decided to better understand this condition and find out how to cope with it.

How to stay productive with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

How to stay productive with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
How to stay productive with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurological disorder in which it is very difficult for a person to focus on something for a long time. Because of this, he may have difficulty in obtaining an education and building a career. Life hacker tells about the personal experience of a woman who managed to achieve success in life, despite the tendency to procrastinate and forget everything in the world.

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How to be more productive: 5 simple tips from a neuroscientist

How to be more productive: 5 simple tips from a neuroscientist
How to be more productive: 5 simple tips from a neuroscientist

What can best tell about us and the world around us? That's right, science. In this text, a cognitive neuroscientist shares thoughts and observations about productivity based on his experiences. And gives good advice! For example, when we work in the kitchen, our real workplace is no longer associated with work. Therefore, you need to separate areas for work, rest and cooking, create the right associations. For more tips, follow the link below.

5 situations where we procrastinate but don't know it

5 situations where we procrastinate but don't know it
5 situations where we procrastinate but don't know it

We used to think that procrastination is about watching funny videos and hanging on social media. But if we read literature for self-development, put things in order at the workplace and help others, then this is an example of super-employment. But we are deceiving ourselves, and in this article, Lifehacker explains why.

5 Steps to Productivity by the KonMari Method

5 Steps to Productivity by the KonMari Method
5 Steps to Productivity by the KonMari Method

The KonMari Method is an approach to tidying up and organizing space that Mari Kondo invented and described in her bestselling Magical Cleaning. In 2020, together with professor of management Scott Sonenshine, she released a new book, and Lifehacker took from it five main recommendations. They can help you tidy up your workspace and your schedule so you can get more enjoyment out of your work.

9 popular tips that actually hurt productivity

9 popular tips that actually hurt productivity
9 popular tips that actually hurt productivity

In pursuit of success, we absorb tons of different tips that supposedly should make us better. But many of them are often too unrealistic and only hinder us. Therefore, in this article we have collected such recommendations and offered them an alternative.
