Table of contents:

Motivation methods CAT: learning to achieve results
Motivation methods CAT: learning to achieve results

There are a huge number of motivation techniques. And there are only two that everyone who wants to achieve a result should know about. The teacher and trainer Yakomaskin Andrey will tell about them.

Motivation methods CAT: learning to achieve results
Motivation methods CAT: learning to achieve results

Despite the name, the article is not about fluffy bandits at all, but about motivation. The thing is that CAT is a fusion of two prepositions, "to" and "from", which denote the two most common approaches to self-motivation.

Rocky vs Ali

Remember Sylvester Stallone's hero Rocky Balboa? This street fighter has set himself the goal of becoming a champion in order to break out of the usual conditions. Living in poverty, he wanted to give a happy life to his beloved. He admitted that the fear of defeat drives him to victory, because it reminds him of what will happen if he does not win:

Fear is a boxer's best friend! And there is nothing to be ashamed of … Fear, like fire, burns inside you. If you learn to control him, you will feel a heat in your chest, but if he controls you, he will burn you and everything around.

Now let's turn to the story of another boxer - Muhammad Ali. He was famous for his aggressive style of psychological attacks. He wrote poetry about his rivals, and predicted in the press which round he would win. He was incredibly self-confident, and this self-confidence turned into victories for him. Here's what he said about motivation:

I hated every minute of training, but I said to myself: "Don't leave, suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."

These two athletes are united by the fact that they strived for victory and won. But they chose different paths to how to push themselves towards this victory.

Rocky Balboa forced himself to train harder, reminding himself that from what he wants to leave in order to achieve the goal, what obstacles to overcome.

Ali kept telling himself To what is worth striving for. He turned his champion title into a shining guiding star that led him to victories.

These two examples best illustrate two techniques of self-motivation that have a profound impact on our lives.

  • Some people are motivated by the conditions in which they will find themselves if they do not follow their goal. This intuitive fear of being "at the bottom" forces you to overcome yourself and put more effort.
  • Other people, on the contrary, move towards a goal only due to how attractive they see the prospects for achieving it. They don’t think about obstacles because the goal becomes their desired reward.

Unfortunately, it is very rare to talk about the difference between these two approaches to motivation. Many people set ambitious goals for themselves and do not understand why there is no strong motivation to achieve them. Not for everyone, the "K" method - the goal motivation method - can be effective.

I offer two of the easiest ways to assess the effectiveness of these approaches for you personally.

Method "K"

In order to try out the "K" method, it is enough to competently set a motivating goal for yourself. I dedicated an entire article to what it should be, and this time I'll use criteria by which you can check whether your goal will be motivating. These criteria are:

  1. The goal must have a deadline.
  2. The goal should be ambitious and challenging.
  3. The goal should be specific.
  4. The goal should be kept secret or correctly voiced.

Testing on these four criteria is sufficient to see if you have a K-motivation tendency.

"From" method

There are many ways to imagine the possible consequences of abandoning your goal. The simplest are the "scales".

  • On one side of the scale, you put everything that you get, having achieved the result. The innermost desires and ideas of success.
  • On the other - everything that will happen if right now you do not decide to proceed with the implementation of the goal. The most dire consequences that will echo throughout your life.

When using "scales", it is important to be very frank and describe all the hardships of giving up on a goal and all the joy of rewarding it.

It will be especially difficult at this moment, but, as Paulo Coelho wrote, "everyone experiences fear at the moment when they can change their destiny."


Knowing the key principles of the "C" and "From" methods, you can use your techniques to motivate yourself. It is important to understand that each of us is unique. If one approach doesn't work, you can always try another.

My beloved sage Omar Khayyam wrote very accurately:

To give up at the beginning of the journey is a weakness. To give up in the middle of the road is foolishness. Therefore, you either do not start the path, or go to the end.

Whichever method you choose, take action, and motivation will not keep you waiting.

I wish you success!
