Table of contents:

5 mistakes in first aid
5 mistakes in first aid

In order not to harm the victim, do not do this in any case.

5 mistakes in first aid
5 mistakes in first aid

First aid is a set of measures aimed at restoring, preserving the health or life of the victim. First aid is provided by eyewitnesses and others who are next to the victim at the time of injury. And in doing so, it is extremely important to act correctly.

1. Apply a tourniquet unnecessarily

Cooking, working with scissors, weeding the garden - we have a lot of chances of getting hurt, but there is no need to apply a tourniquet with every bleeding. A tourniquet is used to bandage limbs only in case of arterial bleeding. The color of blood with him is scarlet. Dark bleeding, venous, should be stopped by applying a pressure bandage, even if it is severe.

2. Throw your head back with nosebleeds

Bleeding from the nose can occur both from overheating and from excessive physical activity. In case of bleeding, throw your head back under no circumstances. It is necessary to seat the victim and slightly tilt his head forward, thereby allowing the accumulated blood to drain freely. After that, you need to squeeze your nose just above the nostrils for 10 minutes.

If this does not help, you need to put a turunda (a narrow gauze or cotton swab) into each nostril for 15 minutes and apply cold to the bridge of the nose. If this measure did not work, you must go to the nearest medical institution.

3. Apply kefir or sour cream when you receive a thermal or sunburn

Do not use film-forming substances on damaged skin. These include sour cream and kefir, butter, toothpaste, potatoes, honey. If you get a burn, the correct solution is to place the affected area under cold water in the first seconds. The ideal option is to apply a special burn preparation from a pharmacy.

4. Trying to correct the dislocation yourself

Do not try to correct the dislocation without proper skills and pain relief - these efforts will only lead to aggravation of the injury and increased pain. To correct the dislocation, consult a doctor, even severe cases are now corrected with the help of a "closed" painless operation.

In case of dislocation and fracture, the limb must be immobilized - to maintain the immobility of the injured limb until an ambulance arrives. If the victim needs to be transported, you can make a splint for the injured limb from available means. In this case, the limb must be fixed exactly in the position in which it is located.

How to identify a dislocation? This can be done without a medical education. In the area of damage, deformation of the joint is observed, because as a result of the dislocation, not only its size changes, but also its shape. Edema is also observed at the site of injury. The victim himself can determine the dislocation by the severe pain of the injured area.

5. Underestimate the danger of heatstroke

The risk of heat (particularly sunstroke) is often underestimated. In the worst case, it can lead to unconsciousness and coma.

Signs of heatstroke are as follows:

  • a feeling of pulsation in the temples;
  • redness of the skin, especially the face;
  • increase in heart rate up to 100 or more beats per minute;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • noise in ears;
  • vomit.

If heatstroke occurs, you need to leave a sunny place at the first opportunity and move into the shade. The victim should take a horizontal position with raised legs. It is necessary to remove clothing and, if possible, create air movement through the body. Then - apply cooling compresses to the skin, give the patient a cold drink. In severe cases, with heatstroke, convulsions, loss of consciousness, hallucinations may occur. With these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately!

What to do if you yourself are hurt

The most common mistake is relying on yourself.

If you get injured, you need to try to conduct an elementary self-diagnosis. Assess the nature of the injury, your general condition, the ability to move. If there is no way to move around on your own, use the phone to call the special services. The single emergency number in Russia is 112, the ambulance number is 103.

And do not hesitate to ask for help from others!
