Table of contents:

How to stop bleeding when you cut or scrape
How to stop bleeding when you cut or scrape

Even if the wound is small, sometimes you cannot do without an urgent visit to the doctor.

How to stop bleeding when you cut or scrape
How to stop bleeding when you cut or scrape

When to seek medical attention as soon as possible

Here are some signs of a Bleeding Cuts or Wounds wound that should be shown to your doctor. In some cases, your life may depend on it. Don't hesitate.

  1. The cut looks deep, bleeds a lot, and you can't stop the bleeding for 10 minutes. There are no options here: either urgently contact the emergency room, or call an ambulance.
  2. The wound can be described with the word "gaping". The cut is deep and wide enough, or has ragged edges.
  3. A deep cut is located on the face. Even if it is safe, it can leave an unaesthetic scar if it is not stitched in time.
  4. You have been bitten by an animal or person. If you have been bitten by your pet and the scratch is small, most likely there will be no trouble. But if we are talking about a bite of an unfamiliar living creature, it is better to see a doctor. Rabies after the onset of symptoms is already incurable Rabies and 100% fatal. But if you get vaccinated on time, death can be avoided.
  5. A scratch or cut was taken outside, dirt got into the wound, and you don't have a tetanus shot. Either there is a vaccination, but more than 10 years have passed since the vaccination. Tetanus pathogens enter the wound with dirt. The prognosis is more friendly than with rabies: in the absence of timely treatment, Eradication of tetanus die up to 80% of cases, and not 100%. But whether you are lucky is another question.
  6. The wound was inflicted by a nail. Especially the rusty Deep Cut First Aid. These puncture wounds are the most dangerous in terms of tetanus.
  7. There are signs of infection. Reddened hot skin, swelling, purulent discharge from the wound, fever, red streaks under the skin in the area of the cut - all this indicates an infection. There is a chance that the body will cope on its own. If not, you are at risk of blood poisoning. It is lethal, if that.

However, no matter how dangerous or safe a cut is, first aid begins with the same step. You must stop the bleeding. Well, or at least try to do it.

How to stop bleeding from a small cut and what to do next

A quick guide to Cuts and scrapes: First aid for minor cuts and scrapes looks like this.

1. Wash your hands

This is important so as not to infect the wound. Soap and water, hand sanitizer gels, and wet wipes will do. You can also wear sterile medical gloves if available.

2. Stop the blood

For minor cuts or scrapes, the bleeding usually stops quickly on its own, so you can skip this step. If blood still leaks, place a piece of clean gauze or other cloth over the wound and press down slightly. Leaving the bandage on for a minute or two is often enough.

If you don't have gauze at hand, you can use the old-fashioned method - put a plantain leaf washed with water and slightly crumpled (to let the juice out) on the wound. The sap of this plant contains astringents, which in theory help stop bleeding. But there is still no unequivocal evidence for this: more research is required.

Another life hack: to stop the bleeding, raise the injured arm or leg (if they are cut) above the level of the heart.

Attention: if intensive bleeding does not stop within 10 minutes, we recall the beginning of the text and urgently seek medical help.

3. Rinse the wound with water

Naturally clean. The best option is warm water and soap.

Caution: Do not use hydrogen peroxide or iodine. These products can cause additional irritation.

4. Carefully remove dirt and debris from the wound

Most often, they are washed out with water at the previous stage. If any lumps of dirt still remain, try removing them with alcohol-treated tweezers.

Caution: If large splinters are involved or if effort is required to remove dirt, leave them alone. Overdoing it and still pulling out the excess, you run the risk of provoking new bleeding. And it is not a fact that it can be stopped just as easily. In this case, the wound should be treated by a doctor - a surgeon or a doctor on duty at an emergency room.

5. Apply antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly to the wound

Both products will help keep your skin hydrated. This is important to avoid scarring. And the antibiotic also reduces the risk of infection.

Warning: Sometimes the ingredients in the ointment can cause a mild rash. If you notice this in yourself, stop using the particular tool. And check with your therapist: he will suggest a safer option.

6. Cover the cut with a bandage

It will protect the wound from new bacteria. If you hurt your finger or, for example, your hand, it is convenient to bandage them. If a wider part of the body is affected, apply a gauze bandage and secure it with adhesive tape. Change the dressing 1-2 times a day until the wound heals.

Most cuts and scrapes will heal completely with Taking Care of Cuts and Scrapes: The Basics in 7-10 days.

Caution: If the cut or scratch is very small, leave it open - it will tighten faster.

7. Watch the wound

If there are signs of infection (listed at the beginning of the text), see your doctor.

Warning: do not ignore the infection. It is important.

How to stop bleeding from deep cuts and what to do next

Deep cuts are already dangerous. Large blood vessels may be affected, which increases the risk of serious blood loss or blood poisoning. It is impossible to self-medicate in such cases. So proceed like this.

1. Call your doctor

If the cut is bleeding profusely and / or is causing the person significant pain, call an ambulance. If the situation seems to be under control and generally bearable, go to the emergency room or try talking to your therapist or surgeon over the phone.

2. Try to stop the bleeding

This should be done while you are waiting for an ambulance or preparing to go to the emergency room. Rinse the wound quickly with water (soap is good) to wash away any debris, then apply a pressure bandage if there are no large debris left in the cut. A piece of clean gauze or cloth will need to be held over the cut for about 5 minutes. Do not remove it before First AID: how to treat a cut: you can rip off the newly formed blood clot and the bleeding will only intensify.

If there are still large fragments in the wound and they could not be washed off with water, do not try to pull them out - this can intensify bleeding. Let the doctor take them out (who is already coming to you or to whom you are in a hurry on your own). To reduce the bleeding, in this case, you can:

  • Raise the affected part of the body above the level of the heart.
  • Apply a tourniquet to the injured limb - 7-10 cm above the wound. Pharmacy harnesses and turnstiles can be used, as well as homemade ones - for example, a belt or a twisted T-shirt. Mark the time of application of the tourniquet (with the same marker on the skin). You have 1-2 hours to see a doctor.

3. If the bleeding was stopped, treat the wound with an antiseptic ointment

Do not go deep into the cut; just work around the edges. Then apply a sterile cloth to the wound - a bandage or gauze.

4. Wait for an appointment with your doctor

Let us remind you again: for a deep cut, it is required.
