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First aid for bleeding: everyone should know this
First aid for bleeding: everyone should know this

How much blood can you lose without risk to health and when you can't do without calling an ambulance.

First aid for bleeding: everyone should know this
First aid for bleeding: everyone should know this

In the body of an adult, about 5 liters of blood circulate. Without much harm, you can lose Clinical review: Hemorrhagic shock up to 14% of this amount - about 700 milliliters. But if the volume of losses approaches 1.5–2 liters, the situation will become critical.

The blood pressure will drop sharply, the heartbeat will become more frequent, the brain will begin to experience oxygen starvation, which means that it will no longer be able to control the work of other important organs and tissues … You can die from such blood loss.

Fortunately, in most cases of cuts and other injuries, blood clots long before blood loss reaches even 14%.

When you need to urgently call an ambulance

Without going into details about the causes of bleeding, seek medical attention as soon as possible if Bleeding Cuts or Wounds:

  • You cannot stop the bleeding for 10 minutes, even with bandages and tourniquets on the wound.
  • In your opinion, there is too much blood, it flows like a stream.
  • You suspect internal bleeding. His symptoms: severe weakness, pallor, blue fingers, nose, lips, cold sweat, tinnitus. In this state, a person often clutches his stomach. Also, concomitant signs may be vomiting with an admixture of blood or stools of a characteristic black color.
  • A suspected deep wound to the abdomen or chest is present.
  • The wound covers a large area and is actively bleeding.

What to do while waiting for an ambulance

The most important thing is to provide peace. Any movement speeds up blood circulation, that is, it can increase blood loss. Therefore, the victim must lie down - preferably on his back.

It is also important to continue trying to stop the bleeding before the ambulance arrives, applying sterile bandages and tourniquets to the wound whenever possible. Read more on how to do this below.

What should be the first aid for bleeding

Proceed with the following algorithm Severe bleeding: First aid.

1. Remove clothing and debris from the wound


At the first stage, your main task is to free the approaches to the damaged area in order to stop the bleeding.

What not to do:

  • Do not pull out shards or other objects if they are deep inside;
  • Do not feel the wound or try to clean it;
  • If there are blood clots in the damaged area, do not remove them;
  • If possible, do not touch the wound with bare hands - use medical gloves.

2. Stop bleeding


You will need a bandage (preferably sterile) or any clean cloth. Place the bandage over the wound and press down with your hand. Naturally, if there are fragments or other foreign objects inside, do not press on them.

Maintain constant pressure until the bleeding stops. You can apply a pressure bandage by firmly fixing the bandage or fabric over the damaged area, for example, with tape or another bandage.

Consider the type of bleeding to help the blood stop faster.

Arterial. It makes itself felt with a bright scarlet color of flowing blood and a noticeable pulsation. To loosen it, press the artery 7-10 cm above the wound with your thumb. If the bleeding does not decrease, apply a tourniquet at the same height (if the wound is located on the limb): tightly tighten the arm or leg with a drugstore tourniquet, belt, piece of strong cloth or tape. How to do this can be seen, for example, here:

Venous … The blood has a thick, dark color and does not pulsate. To stop the bleeding, lift the affected limb up - above the level of the heart - and apply a pressure bandage. If the blood continues to flow, you will again have to apply a tourniquet 7-10 cm above the wound and seek medical help as soon as possible.

What not to do

Do not apply tourniquet without a note with the exact application time. This method of relief blocks blood circulation. After 1, 5–2 hours, tissue necrosis may occur, so it is vital to know when the tourniquet was applied in order to remove it in time. And one more thing: after this manipulation, in any case, you will need at least a visit to a trauma center, or even a hospital traumatology

3. After the bleeding has stopped, rinse the wound and clean it of foreign objects


It is best to do this with a soft sponge or cloth dipped in warm boiled water and soap. This will help disinfect the wound.

What not to do

do not use hydrogen peroxide and iodine: they can damage tissues

4. Apply antibiotic cream


It will reduce the risk of infection and inflammation. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing and change it daily.

5. Closely monitor the condition of the wound


Even after the bleeding has stopped, be sure to see a doctor if:

  • A deep wound is located on the face.
  • Trauma is the result of an animal or human bite.
  • This is a puncture wound or deep cut, and the victim has not received a tetanus shot in the past 5 years.
  • In the damaged area, despite rinsing, there is dirt or debris that does not come out.
  • Signs of infection appear: redness and swelling of the tissues around the injured area, suppuration.
  • Red stripes appear on the skin around the wound, diverging from it in different directions - this is also a symptom of a dangerous infection.
  • The area around the injury is numb.
  • After the injury, the victim developed a fever.

The health care provider will examine the injury site and advise you on care. You may need to take antibiotics and more serious medications. Only the doctor decides what can help in a particular case.
