Table of contents:

Why is ear bleeding and what to do about it
Why is ear bleeding and what to do about it

This can sometimes be a deadly symptom.

Why is ear bleeding and what to do about it
Why is ear bleeding and what to do about it

When you need to urgently seek help

If the ear bleeds after a blow to the head (or to the head), immediately dial 103 or 112 Ear Bleeding. This combination of conditions suggests that the blow could damage the brain. Cerebral hemorrhage, if a person is not helped in time, sometimes ends in death.

Here are a few other warning signs of Ear Bleeding that you need to call an ambulance or go to the emergency room as soon as possible:

  • dizziness;
  • blood not only from the ear, but also from the nose;
  • vomit;
  • vision problems that occur at the same time as bleeding;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • hearing loss.

Why does my ear bleed?

This can happen for a variety of Ear Bleeding reasons.

You accidentally scratched your ear canal

This sometimes happens if you try to clear your ear with your finger or work too hard with a cotton swab. In this case, very little blood is released - literally a few drops.

Eardrum ruptured

The eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. It may bleed if ruptured.

Damage to the tympanic membrane is caused by:

  • too loud sounds;
  • excessively sharp changes in air pressure (barotrauma) - for example, when landing an aircraft or scuba diving;
  • advanced inflammatory processes inside the ear (otitis media);
  • sloppy, aggressive ear cleaning.

However, there may not be any bleeding due to rupture of the membrane. But Ruptured eardrum (perforated eardrum) other symptoms will certainly appear: for example, ringing or tinnitus, sudden hearing loss, discomfort in the ear, or distinct dizziness.

You just went through a trauma

A blow to the head can cause a ruptured eardrum or other damage to the ear. And then - as we have already said - the brain.

Therefore, we repeat: the blood that has gone from the ear after a head injury is a symptom of a medical emergency. Seek medical attention immediately.

You have advanced otitis media

Sometimes, with a powerful inflammatory process, so much pus accumulates in the middle ear near the eardrum that it literally squeezes it out, leading to rupture. But an inflamed ear canal can bleed on its own.

You will probably recognize otitis media. Most often, it is accompanied by severe, shooting pain in the ear, which is difficult to endure, and fever.

There is a foreign object in your ear

Such incidents usually happen to young children, who sometimes insert small objects into their ears, including those with sharp edges. The item can scratch the ear canal, damage the eardrum, or cause inflammation. Any of these options can lead to the fact that the ear will bleed.

It is a swelling inside the ear

Although rare, cancers of the outer and middle ear can manifest as bleeding.

What to do if the ear is bleeding

It depends on the probable cause.

If we are talking about a scratch in the ear canal, you can do nothing. Such injuries are safe and heal quickly on their own. It is only important to keep the cut clean (for example, do not swim for a couple of days in dirty water) to avoid infection. Just be sure to monitor your well-being. If you continue to see blood droplets even after several hours, all this time you are in pain, your temperature has risen, you need to contact a therapist or otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

If you suspect there is a foreign object in your ear, try to reach it with tweezers. Very neat! Since there is a risk of accidentally pushing the "plug" even deeper into the ear canal. If you can't easily pull out the thing, go to the doctor.

In all other cases - with injuries, ear infections, suspected rupture of the tympanic membrane, or if the blood has gone suddenly and you do not understand why - you have to go to a specialist without options. The doctor will ask you about your symptoms, conduct an examination and make a diagnosis, based on which treatment will be prescribed.

For example, if you have otitis media, you will be prescribed antibiotics - in the form of tablets, suspensions or ear drops. To quickly clear up the pus and relieve your condition, your doctor may insert a tiny drainage tube into your ear.

With a ruptured eardrum, the ENT will assess how large the injury is. Minor lesions heal on their own within 8-10 weeks of Ear Bleeding. But if the rupture is serious, tympanoplasty may be required - this is the name of the operation to restore the membrane.

If the doctor suspects other diseases, he will give you a referral for additional tests. And according to their results, he will prescribe the necessary medications or procedures.
