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Why today is the most important day in your life
Why today is the most important day in your life

Writer Stephen Guise explains how the effects of small daily activities add up to meaningful change.

Why today is the most important day in your life
Why today is the most important day in your life

“When I was a teenager, I only wore a backpack on my right shoulder. It seemed to me that wearing it on both straps was not cool (that's how smart I was), - Stephen. “Twenty years later, I feel tension in the right side of my back. Coincidence? Unlikely. I can feel the consequences of this decision when I type on the keyboard, even though it's been many years!

There were other solutions, some now benefit me. As a child, I played a lot of sports games, it gave me good physical fitness. Now when I play basketball with young guys, they get tired faster than me."

Today determines what your future life will be

When we look forward to something in the future, we devalue today. We tell ourselves that this event is more important than everything that happens today. Maybe it's really important. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try hard today. Today is always a decisive day.

Today is a hundred times more important than tomorrow.

Smaller investments today will bring more results than larger investments later. It is about saving time, money and effort. Anyone who is more or less versed in finance knows about compound interest. But few apply this rule to their decisions and habits.

Of course, some actions are more life-changing. But among those that are approximately the same in meaning, what happens first is more important.

It is no coincidence that people who had a difficult childhood experience more difficulties in adulthood. The events of the early years affect the rest of your life. But it's never too late to start changing something. The essence of this principle is not that one had to do this or that at twenty. These are only useless regrets. The bottom line is that today - whatever it may seem - is extremely important. Because every next day there is less and less time left for the effect of useful decisions to begin to accumulate.

Why is it so important

Making the most rewarding decisions means taking care of your physical and mental health, relationships and productivity today. Many are accustomed to working with their last strength, and putting off the rest for later. But without rest and relaxation, stress also accumulates according to the principle of compound interest. You don't have to try to make it perfect every day. Some will be busy with work, others - socializing, and still others - rest. In total, they will all have a positive effect.

This approach to solutions can also help curb bad habits. When you look at each action in terms of compound interest, it's easier to resist the temptation.

How to put this thinking into practice

We all forget to appreciate today. Trying to kill time while waiting for a more exciting streak in life. How not to forget about its importance when today is unremarkable. We woke up, and it is already here.

But "today" should be the most cherished word. After all, there will never be a day in your life more important than the one that you are living now. Yes, it seems less significant than a prom, wedding, or vacation. But this is not the case.

The decisions made today are most likely to change your life.

Make decisions today that you can thank yourself for later. Pick a date in the calendar exactly one year from now and create a note with the words "Your life is now as it is, thanks to the way you treated each day over the past year." Let her remind you to regard each day as a unique opportunity.
