Table of contents:

Why palms itch and what to do about it
Why palms itch and what to do about it

It's not about money. And even, probably, to their loss.

Why palms itch and what to do about it
Why palms itch and what to do about it

When you need to urgently seek help

In some cases, itching of the palms can be a symptom of the life-threatening conditions Itching Without Rush.

Call an ambulance immediately if, in addition to your hands itching, you notice:

  • Difficulty breathing. This combination may indicate a serious allergic reaction - developing anaphylactic shock.
  • A yellow tint to the skin or whites of the eyes. This indicates an obvious malfunction in the liver.

You can not call an ambulance, but it is advisable to visit a therapist as soon as possible if, in addition to regular itching, there are:

  • Unreasonable, at first glance, weight loss. This combination of symptoms can accompany certain cancers - especially Hodgkin's disease.
  • Swollen lymph nodes that lasted for several weeks or more. Here the reason may be the same as in the paragraph above.
  • Too infrequent urge to urinate - less than Urinary Frequency four times a day. This combination is a possible sign of developing kidney failure.

However, the listed situations are still rare. More often than not, itching is caused by relatively harmless things.

Why palms itch

Researchers have identified five common reasons for Itchy Palms.

1. Dryness and irritation of the skin

This is especially true during the winter season, when the humidity in the premises drops. The skin rapidly loses moisture, and the thin epidermis on the palms suffers first of all. This is how irritation, peeling and itching appear.

Dry skin also occurs for other reasons - for example, due to an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

Or maybe you just used the wrong soap or detergent? Or rubbed your palms too thoroughly while washing your hands? A thin film of sebum on the surface of the epidermis could be destroyed, and this caused irritation and itching.

2. Allergic reaction

The allergy could be caused by an object or plant that you touched. Or, for example, a hand lotion containing an irritant substance to which your skin has reacted. Another option: the reaction was caused by the use of a product or medicine.

An important caveat: allergic itching does not always start immediately. Sometimes it takes several hours between the effect of the stimulus and the realization “oh, my palms are itching”.

3. Atopic dermatitis

He's eczema. By the way, a fairly common condition: in the United States, about 10% of people suffer from Hand Eczema from atopic dermatitis affecting the hands.

This non-communicable disease can cause redness, color (pink, grayish, brownish) spots, blisters and itching on the palms.

Itchy palms most often suffer from eczema: 6 causes, treatment, and prevention, whose hands are regularly exposed to moisture and harsh chemicals:

  • hairdressers;
  • cleaners;
  • catering employees;
  • mechanics;
  • workers in medical laboratories and hospitals.

Eczema can then disappear for several months, then worsen again, sometimes for no apparent reason.

4. Hyperglycemia or diabetes

Elevated blood sugar can also be felt by itchy palms.

5. Nerve damage

Diabetes can damage the nerve fibers in the palms. Or a disease called tunnel syndrome (aka carpal tunnel syndrome), which is popular among those who spend a lot of time at the computer with a mouse in their hands.

Such disorders often cause a feeling of discomfort, numbness in the hands and at the same time itching in the palms.

What to do if palms itch

If this is a one-time action or itching rarely appears (once a month, once a year), you do not need to worry. But if the palms itch with enviable constancy, it is worth looking into the reasons.

See a physician or dermatologist. The doctor will examine you, ask you about your lifestyle, diet, clarify if you are taking certain medications and, possibly, send you for a blood test or skin scraping. Treatment is prescribed based on test results.

If an allergy is identified, you will be prompted to calculate the allergen product and minimize contact with it. Your doctor may also recommend taking antihistamines.

For eczema, you will be prescribed medicated lotions or steroid ointments.

If the cause of the itching is hyperglycemia, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, you first need to cure or correct the underlying disease. After that, your hands will stop itching by themselves.

How to relieve itchy palms at home

Until you get to the doctor, you can try to reduce the discomfort yourself.

1. Make cold compresses

For example, apply gauze wipes soaked in cool water to your palms for 5-10 minutes. Or, grasp a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a thin cloth.

2. Stay hydrated

Try to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid a day. We remind you: tea, juices, liquid soups, juicy fruits are also considered.

3. Monitor the humidity in the room

Optimal humidity level Indirect health effects of relative humidity in indoor environments. - 40-60%.

4. Moisturize your hands regularly

Moisturizers and lotions can help with this. Naturally, those to whose ingredients you are not allergic. If in doubt, ask a therapist or dermatologist to help you find a hypoallergenic product.

5. Protect your hands from exposure to chemicals

Wash dishes, do wet cleaning, dye your hair only with rubber gloves.
