Why does the body itch and what to do about it?
Why does the body itch and what to do about it?

This could be a sign of a serious medical condition.

Why does the body itch and what to do about it?
Why does the body itch and what to do about it?

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Why does the body itch and what to do about it?


Hello! Lifehacker has detailed material on this topic. Itchy skin often has an obvious cause - for example, you have been bitten by mosquitoes. But it's worth starting to worry if you feel it day after day and it is not clear why it appeared.

In this case, itching can be a side effect of taking certain medications or a symptom of very unpleasant diseases, from neurological disorders to kidney disease and some types of cancer.

Therefore, you should not postpone going to a therapist and start self-medication. Yes, it could be an allergy to the new laundry detergent. But given the severity of possible diseases, it is better to play it safe. The sooner you discover the disease and start treatment, the more successful it will be.

And in the article at the link above, you will find more possible causes of itching and find out in which cases you should immediately consult a doctor.
