How to prevent aging
How to prevent aging

10 tips to reverse the premature aging process.

How to prevent aging
How to prevent aging

How to keep youthful? The question is relevant for everyone and at all times.

Signs of premature aging of the skin, hair, brain, body can add another ten years to your chronological age. However, doctors - nutritionists, neurologists and dermatologists - insist that there are ways to turn back the clock. In this post, you will learn (or we will just remind you) 10 tricks to help reverse the process of premature aging.

1. Eat more calcium before age 30

Bone density stops growing by about age 30. It is very important to gain enough bone before this time. In the future, it is also necessary to adhere to a high-calcium diet. This will keep your bones strong and healthy. And remember that calcium is absorbed much better from milk than it is from a special supplement.

Women are especially at risk for osteoporosis. After 40, they quickly lose bone mass. The risk of fractures during this period increases significantly.

2. Protect your face from the sun (especially while driving)

Many motorists experience the so-called "auto window syndrome". That is, their skin lesions on the left side of the face are more significant than on the right. When driving a car, the strongest exposure to sunlight is on the left side. Don't forget to use sunscreen (this isn't just for motorists). And try to shield your face from the sun while driving.

3. Eat carrots, mangoes, and spinach to protect against sun damage

The sun's rays are one of the most common causes of premature aging. They dry out the skin and contribute to the deepening of wrinkles. Experts insist that no matter what time you sunbathe, even a small tan can cause significant damage to your skin.

Fruits - watermelons and mangoes, as well as vegetables - carrots, spinach, yams (sweet potatoes) are rich in vitamin A, which promotes the growth of new skin cells.

4. Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA) for Brain Health

Decreased memory quality makes us less efficient. This speaks to the aging of the brain. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) delay the aging process of the brain by an average of 3 years, improve memory and the ability to remember. Scientists believe they will also help reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease or dementia (senile marasmus).

The main food sources of Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are:

  • Fish oil and seafood
  • Ground Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil
  • Mustard oil

5. Work to stimulate the brain

According to experts, our brain is most susceptible to age-related changes. To keep him always young and in good shape, he needs to be constantly stimulated. Work activities, goal setting and problem solving, and social interaction can all help you stay mentally active. A work environment will keep your brain toned, as will puzzles, language learning, and social activity.

6. Cut back on coffee and cut soda

Dull skin and gray hair will definitely not beautify you. Moreover, they will instantly throw you a dozen years or more. Increase your water intake and cut out the diuretic coffee and soda, which are hair killers. The increased acidity of coffee flushes calcium from the body and creates redness on the skin.

7. Use creams with glycolic acid and retinol

A faded, dull face is the first sign of premature skin aging. Fortunately, glycolic acid and retinol (the true vitamin A) can quickly improve the appearance and texture of your skin. They exfoliate it, smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion, and promote the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

Glycolic acid is a fruit acid made from sugar cane. In nature, it is found in grapes, sugar beets, sugar cane.

8. Stay away from red meat and processed foods

The concept of "red meat" usually means the meat of ungulates (beef, veal, pork and lamb, less often - goat, horse meat, venison. But much depends on the age of the animal - the older it is, the darker the meat. Therefore, veal and young beef (from animals not older than two years) is quite "white", but beef (from adult cattle older than two years) is "red".

The increased fat in red meat and the sugar in industrially processed foods spoil the appearance of the body and degrade the quality of the skin. Excessive fat deposits, which are usually deposited on the abdomen and arms, disrupt blood circulation and contribute to premature aging of internal organs.

By opting for lean, exercising, and dieting, you will live longer and look younger.

9. Use a hand cream or lotion

What most people don't know is that the delicate skin on your hands ages extremely quickly and makes you look older than you really are. Drink plenty of water, eat antioxidant-rich fruits, apply sunscreen to your skin, and use a good hand lotion every day. These guidelines will help your hands stay true to their age.

10. Learn to deal with stress

We often exceed the tolerable stress level. This behavior can ultimately deplete your body's internal resources and wreak havoc on its normal performance.

Make use of your vacation time, sleep 7 hours a day, meditate and exercise. These tips will help flush harmful toxins out of your body.

Be healthy and young not only in soul, but also in body!

