Table of contents:

11 useful travel tips
11 useful travel tips

A selection of how to travel cheaply, comfortably and hassle-free.

11 useful travel tips
11 useful travel tips

1. Do not spend exorbitant amounts

We will tell you how and what you can really save on when visiting different countries.

How to travel the world cheaply. Part I

How to travel the world cheaply. Part II

2. Choose the best beaches

Dedicated to lovers of relaxation by the sea and exotic landscapes.

The most beautiful beaches in the world

3. Pack your things correctly

To forget nothing and fit everything is the most important task when assembling a suitcase. We will tell you how to do this in our video.

Packing a suitcase on vacation

4. Make your travel life easier

Skills that are useful to everyone and do not require special skill.

5 useful travel hacks

5. Learn country etiquette

In different states, the gestures we are accustomed to are understood in their own way. Watch this video and make no mistakes.

Gestures that are best not shown in other countries

6. Deal with allergies

Suddenly, on vacation, your eyes began to water, snot flowed like a river, and your skin turned into a huge training ground for combing. The bad news is that you have hay fever. The good news is we can help you deal with it.

Seasonal allergies. What to do if hay fever interferes with life

7. Get rid of motion sickness

For those who cannot safely travel by car, plane or ship.

What to do if you feel sick

8. Cope with your fear of flying

Aerophobes, it's time to get over your problem. We will help.

How to overcome the fear of flying

9. Get rid of heartburn

How, being in another country, not to try everything? Impossible. Keep an effective heartburn control in case of a not-so-successful tasting.

How to get rid of heartburn

10. Pump up your image

It doesn't matter how old your sneakers are if you walk around Paris in them. Age may not matter, but it is better to make lacing in different ways in order to add a drop of adventurism to your image.

15 cool laces that will make you stand out from the crowd

11. Take care of houseplants

Not sure how to arrange indoor flower care while you are on vacation? Watch this video and think about it no more.

How to properly water flowers while on vacation

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