Enso is the best meditation timer
Enso is the best meditation timer

Enzo is a wonderful meditation timer. If you practice meditation, then be sure to try it, and if not, be sure to start!

Enso is the best meditation timer
Enso is the best meditation timer

Reading about the benefits of meditation in various articles and looking at, I tried several times to start meditating, but I never got to the point where you see some benefit from it. Thanks to the application, I did it.

And the longer you meditate, the more you will need a timer to practice. We will tell you about one of them - perhaps the best - today.

Enzo is a meditation timer and bell that takes care of the time, leaving you alone with yourself and your thoughts.

The app is designed in neutral colors, and everything here is done in order not to distract you. After clicking on the word Begin, the timer turns on automatically. That's all we need to do.


Of course, the time on the timer can be changed. There are three timers in total: preparation - a few seconds before starting meditation; intervals - the time after which the bell will ring; total meditation time.

In the statistics field, you can see how much time you spent on meditation, how long the last session lasted and how many sessions you completed.


In the settings, you can turn on and off various sounds that will remind you of the end of the interval, as well as select sounds from several dozen suggested.

In the free version of Enzo, only one sound is available for preparation, interval and end of meditation. All others cost $ 0.99 each.

If you decide not to buy additional sounds (it's worth noting that the standard sound is just great), then the Enzo will cost you free. And looking at the quality of the application and its usefulness, we can say that this is a godsend for lovers of meditation!
