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10 scientifically proven reasons to get a cat
10 scientifically proven reasons to get a cat

If you want health and ease - accept a cat. Daily. In maximum doses.

10 scientifically proven reasons to get a cat
10 scientifically proven reasons to get a cat

They are soft, fluffy, playful, they have luxurious tails and a soothing, rolling purr. Even a photo or video with cats can instantly improve your mood! But Lifehacker discovered several more serious reasons to become a cat owner as quickly as possible.

1. The heart will thank you

A cat meeting you at home and purring on your lap in the evening is a great way to reduce your daily stress levels. And where there is less stress, there is less stress on the heart and blood vessels.

In general, it is not surprising that the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases among the owners of these tailed beasts is significantly lower than among those who did not think of having a cat.

Yes, scientists are quite categorical: they call the acquisition of a rumbling beast Cat ownership and the Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Diseases. Results from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Study Mortality Follow-up Study is an excellent strategic solution for those who are concerned about heart health.

2. Muscles and bones will become stronger

10 scientifically proven reasons to get a cat: Muscles and bones will get stronger
10 scientifically proven reasons to get a cat: Muscles and bones will get stronger

No, no, for this you don't have to carry a beefy Vasily (or Murka) in your arms. Strong muscles and bones are attached to every cat, even the thinnest and smallest. All you need to do is stroke the animal regularly to make it purr.

Purrs are sounds at a frequency of 20–140 Hz. Research proves Biomechanical stimulation therapy as physical treatment of arthrogenic venous insufficiency that frequencies in the 18–35 Hz range improve joint and muscle mobility after injury, and are also able to heal microtraumas and prevent muscle atrophy. Why do cats purr? … This is called biomechanical stimulation therapy.

They took a kitten - consider, got a device for effective physiotherapy. And he, the "device", is happy with you.

3. If you are a man, you will have more female fans

Fact: Women are attracted to It's Official! Purring Puss Cats Enhance Men’s Pulling Power, and Bring out Their Caring Fe-line Side! men with pets. More than 90% of single young ladies sincerely believe that such gentlemen are more caring and interesting, and therefore more willingly agree to dates.

4. You will improve your communication skills

10 reasons to get a cat: you will improve your communication skills
10 reasons to get a cat: you will improve your communication skills

Researchers at the University of Missouri Children with Autism Who Live With Pets Are More Assertive found that autistic children acquired social interaction skills better if they had a pet, including a cat.

Basically, cats awaken interest in the people around them and improve their ability to communicate. A good plan not only for toddlers with autism, but also for anyone who suffers from their own withdrawal and shyness.

5. Reduce the risk of catching an infection

The mustachioed striped pet helps to strengthen the immune system of infants. In particular, it is effective to configure it to protect Respiratory Tract Illnesses During the First Year of Life: Effect of Dog and Cat Contacts from respiratory diseases. Also, a cat in the house can reduce the risk of gastroenteritis in children.

6. And there will be no allergies

Why you need to get a cat: You will not have allergies
Why you need to get a cat: You will not have allergies

If you are not allergic to cats, your pet will help you better resist other irritants. This link is proven by Effects of early-life exposure to allergens and bacteria on recurrent wheeze and atopy in urban children. At least in the case of children. The more actively and more often the child is in contact with the purr, the less likely he will have allergies or asthma.

7. Mental health will improve

Several years ago, the reputable British company Cats Protection surveyed Pets and mental health more than 600 people, including both cat owners and people with no pets at all. Some of the respondents suffered from all kinds of mental disorders.

Scientists analyzed the answers and came to the conclusion: 87% of those who had cats claimed that the mustachioed-striped pet has a beneficial effect on their psychological well-being. And 76% also added that a cat helps them cope better with everyday stress.

eight. You will not suffer from loneliness

Why you need to get a cat: you will not suffer from loneliness
Why you need to get a cat: you will not suffer from loneliness

During our lives, each of us experiences periods of loneliness and social rejection. They can be associated, for example, with moving to an unfamiliar city or country, the loss of loved ones and friends. The feeling of loneliness that arises at the same time is sometimes so great that you want to give up.

A pet is a creature that makes the owner organize his life: take care, feed, clean the litter box in time. As a result, a person feels How Pets Help Manage Depression to be needed and continues to live on, no matter what.

9. Get smarter

The connection here is indirect, but it still exists. Research confirms Are you a "dog person" or a "cat person?" New research finds the two have different personality traits that cat owners, on average, have a higher IQ than dog owners. In addition, they are more independent, balanced and have a deep inner peace.

10. And you will sleep better

Why get a cat: you'll sleep better
Why get a cat: you'll sleep better

Surveys among patients with sleep disorders give an interesting result: if a pet - the same cat - is in the bedroom or even a bed, sleep becomes calmer, deeper and more peaceful. This is indicated by more than 40% of respondents Are Pets in the Bedroom a Problem? …

Should your pets sleep in the bed with you? A new study’s surprising answers Mayo Clinic sleep specialist Lois Krahn, a cat, is akin to an effective and completely harmless sedative that can be prescribed to almost anyone.
