Table of contents:

5 proven ways to learn faster and better
5 proven ways to learn faster and better

Scientists talked about how to quickly memorize information and learn new skills.

5 proven ways to learn faster and better
5 proven ways to learn faster and better

1. Diversify your learning

Paradoxically, you don't remember anymore by repeating the same thing over and over. Scientists advise changing the approach slightly with each repetition of the material. This will help to assimilate information faster.

For example, tennis players can train right kicks, backhand kicks and flying kicks not separately, but together. It is more difficult than developing each skill in turn, but it is more effective.

Successful people do what the losers don't want to do. Don't dream about making life easier. Dream to be better.

Jim Rohn business coach, author of personal development books

2. Change the environment

According to researchers, we are more effective at remembering information when we change the environment. Study in different conditions, experiment to find out where you are most comfortable. External stimuli will become associated with certain data or skills. This will make it easier for you to remember them.

3. Break training into intervals

It seems that the longer you train a skill, the better you will get. But this way you can bring yourself to burnout. It is best to take regular breaks. After resting, productivity and concentration will improve.

Don't try to learn everything at once. It is more useful to break the training down into short intervals. The main thing here is to find balance. Constantly learn new things, but not overload yourself with information.

4. Retell what you learned to someone

It's always easier not to give up when someone is supporting you. It is also helpful to share what you have learned with others. This way it fits better in your head.

Find someone to share your knowledge with. For example, if you are learning a foreign language, retell the new words or rules to a friend who is also learning it. This way you will remember them better.

5. Forget about multitasking

Research confirms that multitasking reduces productivity and quality of work. Therefore, it is difficult for us to finish a project or learn a new skill: we are constantly distracted by something else.

Concentrate on one thing. Switching between multiple tasks reduces the brain's ability to perceive and store new information.

Pick specific areas in which you want to achieve something. Do not try to waste energy on everything at once: it is simply impossible.


  1. To reach your potential, you need to constantly learn.
  2. Always look for new opportunities and learn new skills.
  3. Know your priorities so you don't get sprayed with everything.
  4. Think of learning as a daily challenge to yourself that will make you better.
