Table of contents:

4 reasons why you study, but still don't get new knowledge
4 reasons why you study, but still don't get new knowledge

Just reading the tutorial is not enough.

4 reasons why you study, but still don't get new knowledge
4 reasons why you study, but still don't get new knowledge

It would seem that there is nothing mysterious here: here is the information, study it, and you will gain new knowledge and skills. Moreover, there is no need to complain about the shortage of educational materials - books, courses, services. But it often happens that we absorb gigabytes of information and spend a lot of effort, money and time on it, but at best we remain with superficial knowledge. Let's figure out why this is happening and whether it can be fixed.

1. You do not apply knowledge in practice

The school and the university taught us: in order to gain new knowledge, you just need to study a stack of textbooks, and then write a test based on the passed material. Yes, of course, besides cramming, there is also laboratory work, internships, and practical exercises. But in the educational process, they are given much less place than theory and tests.

As a result, it seems to us that learning = reading the textbook carefully and remembering what is written there.

Meanwhile, back in the fifties, psychologist Benjamin Bloom developed a classification of pedagogical goals, which has been used for many years to develop curricula around the world. The scientist identified six levels of cognition, and memorization of the material, that is, the familiar cramming, which is given so much time in schools and universities, occupies only the first, very lowest step in this list.

Yes, you can't get away from it, it is the foundation of any knowledge. But if you do not learn how to deeply analyze information, apply it in practice and create something new on its basis, it will at best remain a useless set of memorized facts. And at worst, it will completely disappear from the head.

2. You want to turn learning into a game

Nowadays, the trend is edutainment (education + entertainment), that is, educational methods that combine both education and entertainment. Everyone was tired of boring ways to learn, so people jumped at the opportunity to master business through the example of business games, and a foreign language through films and podcasts.

Of course, app stores are quickly overgrown with all kinds of services for children and adults, which promise that we will learn something new easily and playfully. We will watch pictures and short videos, perform simple and funny tasks, have fun and communicate with other users.

All this is very tempting, but the problem is that there are very few scientific papers on game learning, and especially on special applications that use this concept.

Educators and psychologists agree that non-formal education is really effective. If only because it gives positive emotions and keeps students' interest for a long time.

But if you need to get serious knowledge, games, services and experiments must be combined with traditional methods that will help build a solid foundation.

For example, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn a foreign language using the application alone. Quite the opposite. There is a risk of spending a lot of time and money on games and fun tasks, but you will never remember anything.

But to use the application as one of the resources - why not. Although, perhaps one day this situation will change, and developers, in tandem with good educators, will come up with a service that will really help us learn with almost no effort.

3. You choose the wrong teaching materials

Not all tutorials and courses are created equal. Now, not only professionals are trying to make money on the sale of knowledge. Every second popular blogger - even if he is 15 years old - has his own course or guide on some popular topic like internet marketing or design.

However, if you buy a similar information product or enroll in some dubious school, you will not get high-quality knowledge and just waste your money. Therefore, before choosing a manual or course, read reviews and collect information about its authors.

They should be well versed in the subject they teach.

And this is confirmed not by loud words, but by diplomas, certificates and work experience. In addition, the information must be up to date. Therefore, manuals written 50 years ago will do you less benefit than good modern courses. Unless, of course, you do not teach, say, anatomy or some other subjects in which there are no fundamental updates.

4. You get hung up on one way of learning

Neuroscientist Terrence Seinowski, professor at the University of California, in his popular Learn To Learn course, discusses the basic principles of successful learning. He says that switching between different educational tools and techniques is much more comfortable for our brains than, for example, the monotonous cramming of a textbook.

By alternating between different approaches, we help the brain to strengthen neural connections and retain the knowledge gained.

So use all the resources available: read books, watch videos, solve tests, experiment, write essays and, of course, apply the knowledge gained in practice.
