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6 grandma's tips to follow
6 grandma's tips to follow
6 grandma's tips to follow
6 grandma's tips to follow

This article was produced by the Spoon Culinary Blog. We found the author's grandmother's advice on healthy eating to be very interesting, and we bring the material to your attention here.

1. Prepare a vitamin reserve

This means not only that in season you need to eat a bucket of strawberries, plums or cherries. But also remember that in our climate there are many months when there are not so many vegetables, fruits and berries. Seasonal raspberries and strawberries can be frozen or dried, and then make tea with them, simply adding a few tablespoons of dry berries to your favorite custard, make cocktails, pies and compotes. And do not forget to dry herbs and flowers - mint (thyme, savory, basil) grown even on a windowsill or in a country house and linden or chamomile flowers collected by our own hands are more fragrant and healthier than pharmacy ones.

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2. Eat fresh

This is especially true for meat and dairy products if you eat them. It is always better to choose red meat and poultry from home or farm, vegetables and fruits - according to the season in order to avoid the ingestion of fertilizers and any pesticides. In addition, this also applies to the kitchen: it is always better to cook fresh than to reheat old.

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3. Avoid long-term storage of milk

After all, we know that natural milk, in addition to nutritious protein and "good" fats, contains useful enzymes and lactoferrin, which increases immunity and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties. All this is no longer in store milk: in the process of processing, everything that was useful in it is simply destroyed. Alas, milk is absorbed much worse than any other product. In consistency, UHT milk is a homogeneous liquid mass with evenly distributed fat particles. There is nothing good in homogenization, because when mixing, air enters the milk and milk fats turn into an oxidized oily substance. Eating oxidized milk fats means introducing a large amount of free radicals into your body; you will definitely not become healthier from this. When such milk enters the stomach, the casein contained in it sticks together into one large lump, making digestion difficult. My choice is whole raw cow's milk, or even better goat's milk.

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4. Avoid artificial vitamins

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Because there is always an opportunity to receive a complex of fresh fruits and vegetables. But for this you need to take care of yourself and monitor the diet, otherwise how else will you find out that we get the maximum potassium from bananas and dried apricots, magnesium - from sesame seeds, seeds and greens, vitamin C - from blueberries and currants, A - from fish, eggs and orange vegetables, group B from whole grains, meats, legumes, green vegetables and especially cabbage, and E from nuts. Although there are special circumstances when you cannot do without a multivitamin complex in tablets - diseases, heavy sports loads, etc. There is nothing critically bad in them either, it is not for nothing that medicine is progressing every year, enclosing the maximum benefit in small capsules.

5. Watch your skin

From the inside - being aware of what we feed ourselves, because the condition of the stomach and intestines first of all affects the condition of the skin. And outwardly. It is easier to care for such a large and visible part of us than for the rest of the organs.

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6. Spend more time outdoors

No comments needed. Just leave all your affairs at home and go for a walk during the coming holidays.
