Table of contents:

How and when to resume training after a cold
How and when to resume training after a cold

Recommendations for those who have just recovered and want to get back in shape as soon as possible.

How and when to resume training after a cold
How and when to resume training after a cold

The temperature has finally returned to normal, the nose is breathing again, the cough no longer threatens to rupture your bronchi and lungs - congratulations, the cold is behind. You no longer have a reason or desire to postpone your workouts, and you are ready to run to the gym right now. Renowned trainer Gunnar Peterson explains how to get back on track after suffering a cold.

Less is more

The best thing to do first is to talk to your doctor. But if it turned out that you did not seek medical help, then you can only focus on your well-being. If you really don't have a fever and other cold symptoms, you can resume exercising. However, do not try to start with the level of stress that you had before the illness. Exercise with lighter weights, less intensity, and shorten your total workout time.


Philip Kuzmenko therapist of the mobile clinic DOC +

ARVI, or a cold, is a harmless disease and almost always ends with recovery without complications. It takes at least 4-5 days after recovery to fully recover. Nobody forbids to lead a normal life, walk in the park or go to work. But active sports should be postponed until the end of this period.

Unlike recovering from injuries, where you have to be careful not to stress certain parts of your body, you need to pay attention to your heart rate and breathing first. After suffering a cold, you need to be very careful about cardio loads and in no case overdo it.

For a gradual restoration of strength, Peterson recommends giving preference to multi-joint exercises: squats, push-ups, deadlifts. They create a high metabolic demand and allow you to quickly regain shape, even when performed with small weights.

Don't worry about losing weight for a while. You will definitely catch up, but this should be done gradually so as not to undermine your already shaken health.
