7 tips for using iPhone 6 Plus with one hand
7 tips for using iPhone 6 Plus with one hand

The iPhone 6 Plus is a great smartphone in every way. After using the "big" brother, the regular iPhone 6 seems even a little small. However, the large size of a smartphone is not always beneficial and, unlike a smaller one, is not so easy to use. I want to share a few of my tried and true tips on how to use the iPhone 6 Plus with one hand.

7 tips for using iPhone 6 Plus with one hand
7 tips for using iPhone 6 Plus with one hand

1. Left or right hand?

Most people usually use their smartphones with their dominant hand. If you are right-handed, then hold the device in your right hand, left-handed in your left, respectively. However, I know people who disagree with this statement. I have lefty friends who use their phones exclusively with their right hand. So take some time and try to hold the iPhone in one hand and the other, you may find it more convenient to use it with your right hand if you are left-handed. And even vice versa.


2. Correct grip

If you have used previous iPhone models, then most likely you are used to holding the smartphone by the bottom edge, closer to the Home button. However, with the rather large dimensions of the iPhone 6 Plus, this is no longer so convenient. Moreover, I noticed that over time my fingers began to hurt when I habitually held the smartphone with my little finger at the bottom end. Even if the weight of both "sixes" does not differ much from each other, nevertheless, after holding them in your hands for a while, the difference is felt.

Therefore, so that your fingers do not ache, hold the smartphone not by the bottom, but from the sides so that your thumb is just below the middle of the display. This way, you can reach not only the bottom of the phone, but also cover an area much higher than you could before. But you will have to force yourself to get used to such a seizure for some time.


3. Arrangement of icons

Once you've identified your dominant hand and grip, you can start optimizing your work area on your smartphone display. It is best to place your most frequently used apps closer to your thumb so that you can reach them more easily. So, for example, if you hold the smartphone with your left hand, then it is logical to place the icons on the left side of the work area, as shown in the screenshot below.


4. Use the Reachability mode

With the release of the latest iPhone models, Apple has taken care of the one-handed control mode - Reachability. By double-tapping the Home button, the entire smartphone interface goes down, making it easier to interact with the phone. Now even the most distant icons and buttons will be at the distance of an outstretched thumb. This is a very handy feature that often helps me if I can't use my other hand. And most importantly, there is practically no need to get used to, let alone retrain!


5. Easy sliding

The moment you get used to your new smartphone, you will no longer hold it by squeezing it with force, since the hand itself will get used to the size. Soon, you will feel more relaxed in your hand, so you can even grip it with one hand. If you take hold of the upper part of the device, you can unclench your hand a little, letting the phone slide down a little, thereby intercepting it in a slightly different way.

The main thing here is not to overdo it with training. If you want to practice, do it over a soft surface. It will not be superfluous to buy some good case.


6. Rotate on the palm

If in the previous case we intercept the phone from top to bottom, then in this case we turn it with the edge closest to the palm. In most cases, this is necessary in order to reach the icons in the corner opposite to the finger. Hold the phone on the surface of your palm and turn the closest side towards your thumb, while holding the back with the other four. This is quite inconvenient, but it can come in handy when the second hand is busy.


7. Extreme capture

It would seem that the most difficult and dangerous stunts are behind. But no, there is one more, the most extreme one! To reach the opposite corner of the smartphone, you do not need to grip the phone and then turn it in the palm of your hand. It is enough just to rest the nearest edge on the little finger and immediately turn the smartphone to the thumb. In this case, there is only one insurance - your little finger. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. Personally, I still can't reach the desired area, my fingers are too short.


Perhaps that's all. I'm sure you also have your own iPhone 6 Plus usage patterns that you find comfortable. Share them in the comments, and we will try to use them.
