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Where to find an intelligent system administrator: Centos-admin
Where to find an intelligent system administrator: Centos-admin

The ability of your resource to withstand any load is a critical parameter. Who needs a website that crashes whenever they get the chance? Nobody. Therefore, we tell you where to get a person with whom everything will work like a clock.

Where to find an intelligent system administrator: Centos-admin
Where to find an intelligent system administrator: Centos-admin

What is DevOps and what makes it good

An integrated approach to problem solving is often the only option. Anyway, when it comes to software development and server administration, this way of working allows you to achieve maximum stability and eliminate all sorts of problems.

This is exactly what the popular DevOps methodology offers. Briefly, its essence can be summarized as follows: there are no other people's problems.

All participants in the process - developers, testers, and administrators - are in one team, their active interaction makes it possible to achieve the desired result faster and more efficiently. The situation when, instead of solving the problem, a game of ping-pong begins with endless delegation of responsibilities to one or another specialist, is excluded by definition.

The workflow turns into a continuous flow: changes are made to the product, user reactions are studied, updates and additions are prepared based on their comments.

In such a team, everyone understands how the system works as a whole, and does not dwell only on his area of responsibility. Everyone wins: users get a high-quality product, and project participants at every stage of work receive high-quality feedback and room for experimentation.

Centos-admin - DevOps in service of your server

What does the above methodology look like when applied to server administration? DevOps ideas are expressed here in the standardization of the main processes and the extremely broad qualifications of the admins. Simply put, they all know how to grasp tasks on the fly and solve any problems that arise in the shortest possible time.

Centos-admin's many years of experience in servicing high-load systems, combined with an individual approach to customer needs, work wonders: your server resources will be used as efficiently as possible. Thanks to the fine tuning of the servers, sites open quickly, they do not even care about a sharp surge in traffic.

Architectural solutions implemented by the Centos-admin team serve tens of millions of users every day. Among our clients are,,, and we,

All technical issues are the concern of Centos-admin specialists. All clients have access to the ticket system and the monitoring system, so the process of solving the task becomes utterly transparent. Documentation for each project, covering all aspects of the work, is stored in encrypted form, and access to it is provided only to you or to the people you specify.

Local and remote monitoring is used to constantly monitor how the site and the server are doing. Any problem will be immediately noticed, administrators respond to emergencies within 5 minutes maximum. Specialists work in two shifts, so support services are provided 24/7.

The best way to avoid problems is to entrust the case to people who know it well from the start. If you want the site to work without interruptions, you should visit Centos-admin.
