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How to find a working productivity system
How to find a working productivity system

Combine existing methods to create your own.

How to find a working productivity system
How to find a working productivity system

Productivity systems are behaviors that are regularly repeated in a specific order, as well as auxiliary tools. It will help you manage responsibilities, tasks and all the information that comes in and get more done in less time.

How to create your own productivity system

Blogger Thomas Oppong told where to start. First, work out a routine for important parts of the day: immediately after waking up, at the beginning and at the end of working hours, before bed. Then you will have the feeling that the day is structured and goes on as usual. You will wake up feeling that you are in control of your life. This eliminates the need to plan every new day.

Then move on to creating your own productivity system. Explore common techniques and combine and complement them until you find the combination that's right for you.

If you see that someone's system is not yielding results, do not dwell on it. Try something different. Stick to each new system for a month. When you notice that you are comfortable and your productivity has increased, continue to work with this system, supplementing it as necessary.

What productivity systems exist

Here are seven of the most popular systems in existence:

  1. To-do list … This is the simplest system on which many other approaches are built. Some keep a list of the most important things to do, others a list of what not to do. Try different options.
  2. Habits from the book by Stephen Covey "7 skills of highly effective people": proactivity, presentation of the final goal, doing important things first, mutual help, empathy, creative cooperation, work on oneself. This book is considered one of the most influential books on business. Here is a short excerpt from it.
  3. Getting Things Done (GTD) … This popular productivity technique by David Allen is detailed in How To Get Things Done. Use our quick guide to test this system for yourself.
  4. Zen productivity system … It was developed by the popular blogger Leo Babauta. It primarily focuses on habits.
  5. Kanban … It is a visual productivity technique that has become popular due to the proliferation of Agile approaches to management. It is perfect for both personal productivity and teamwork.
  6. Continuous chain method … Celebrate small wins and big steps every day on your calendar or app. Over time, you will end up with a long chain of days that you don't want to interrupt.
  7. Pomodoro Technique … Alternate between work and rest intervals, including a timer. This will help you not to switch to a new task while you are working on an already started one.

Combine different methods and tools until you find one that helps you work faster and better. Start with the system that seems most appropriate and will help you deal with your problems.
