Table of contents:

10 mistakes that prevent a girl from liking
10 mistakes that prevent a girl from liking

If your personal life doesn't work out in any way, it's time to familiarize yourself with this list. Perhaps the point is not that she has not met yet, but that you are behaving incorrectly with each one.

10 mistakes that prevent a girl from liking
10 mistakes that prevent a girl from liking

1. Do not take care of yourself

The pungent smell of sweat is not evidence of brutality, but a sign of ordinary laziness and disrespect for others. The same goes for dirty clothes and shoes, unwashed hair, unkempt nails and rotten teeth. If you strive to please a girl, first make it so that she can be near without a gas mask and the desire to gouge her eyes out.

2. Be overconfident

How to please a girl: don't be cocky
How to please a girl: don't be cocky

Women (and indeed people in general) love confidence, but not inflated conceit. Nobody wants to listen to a story about your merits all evening. Nobody wants to see you being rude to a waiter because you think you are better than him. And certainly no one wants to feel like breathing the same air with you is already a privilege.

3. Learn to live

Another mistake mixed with overconfidence. And often - on sexism. If, even with the best of intentions, you want to tell this foolish girl what to dress, where, by whom and how to work, or what goals to achieve, stop and think: have you been asked?

Women are constantly faced with men striving to give an expert assessment of their lives and operating arguments like "You are a future mother." To say that it pisses me off is to say nothing.

Another form of truly masculine care is called mensplacing. It consists in a condescending manner of conversation in which a man makes a discount to a woman for her gender. In fact, these are special "explanations for girls". Thus, a man questions both the knowledge of the interlocutor in the topic and her intellectual abilities.

4. Be inconspicuous

Everything is simple here: it is impossible to please someone until he knows about your existence. Therefore, getting out of the shadows and making an acquaintance is a necessary step. If you find it difficult to do it due to shyness, use the tips from these articles:

  • How to stop being shy about everyone and everything: 10 effective methods →
  • How and what to talk about with a girl if shyness interferes →

The next step is to show your sympathy. Compliment, ask questions, flirt, ask on a date - in general, let the girl know that the purpose of your acquaintance was not just small talk.

5. Be too persistent

There are many strange stereotypes associated with courtship. For example, that a woman needs to be pursued - as if anyone would be inflamed with passion if all the circles of hell would pass for her. Another ridiculous belief is that a woman's “no” means “yes,” that is, your blind perseverance supposedly guarantees consent.

What's wrong here? The fact that a girl is initially perceived either as a manipulator or as a person whose opinion can be easily influenced. In addition to the fact that this position is clearly disrespectful, it is not at all clear why to get involved with such a girl.

Of course, if you like someone, you should not give in to difficulties. But you need to show sympathy delicately. Strong pressure will be perceived as a violation of personal boundaries.

6. Pursue

Harassment is an extreme form of persistence that borders on obsession. It can cause nothing but fear and rejection.

7. Be cold and unapproachable

The formula “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us” works only in the case of girls with low self-esteem and a victim complex. The rest do not like the underlined indifference.

8. Cheat

How to please a girl: don't be fooled
How to please a girl: don't be fooled

Relationships are built on trust, so any lie instantly puts an end to them. But here you need to understand the difference: there is nothing wrong with the desire to show your best side, but the desire to embellish your social status or hide such important information as the presence of a wife and children is already doubtful - and in the end it will come out sideways.

9. Compare

It is a bad idea to include your girlfriend on the hit parade of your female ex or female relative. Comparison in any direction devalues its uniqueness.

And in general, it is better to postpone the stories about past relationships: you want to join new ones, why drag the baggage of the old into them?

10. Be irresponsible

If you constantly postpone meetings or are systematically late for them, promise something and do not fulfill it, the girl sees only one thing - neglect. What desire does it evoke? That's right, have nothing to do with you.

So what to do to please a girl

1. Be yourself

This is especially important if you are looking for a long-term relationship. No need to cheat, try on someone else's image and play games. Even if it helps the seduction at first, the truth will quickly come out.

2. Show respect

Perceive the girl as an equal person to you, do not put pressure on her, try not only to show how irresistible you are, but also to learn about her. And yes, keeping your word and keeping your appearance neat are also expressions of respect.

3. Do not be afraid of rejection

Fear is not your best ally in business. In any case, it is better to try to start a relationship than to suffer from doubts. So even if you fail, you will have a new experience in communicating with the opposite sex.
