4 free proxy servers to block ads
4 free proxy servers to block ads

If you really liked Chrome, despite the errors found and the lack of plug-in support, and you do not see moral and ethical obstacles, then in addition to the Privoxy we have already presented, you can use other proxy servers.


CyberGuard WebWasher Classic is a very flexible and fast program that does not require a lot of resources. In addition to advertising, the system blocks pop-up windows, scripts and other data transmitted by browsers.

iReject Trash in 200 kilobytes hides a great program. The built-in rules work well right away, and you can always easily change the settings. At the same time, some pages load a little slower.

Proxomitron is a program with a terrible interface, but at the same time it offers fantastically flexible blocking rules, and the default settings are already similar to armor. The removed ad is replaced with red text in square brackets.

CyberGuard WebWasher Classic, iReject Trash, Proxomitron, Privoxy

4 Free Proxies To Block Ads in Google Chrome (or any browser) [Lee Mathews]
